If I see you wearing a year 1 emblem you can expect a kick from me.
You all Year 1s think you are better, well news flash! Your not. Your a joke.
All I see from the forums are: let's troll year 2! How can we fool year 2? If your not from year 1 you suck!
Well I've had enough and I'm going to kick you year ones at the end near the rewards! Hahahah I'm laughing so hard! [i]WishYouLuckk Boys[/i]
Most year ones aren't wearing the emblem due to some elitetest point of view but due to the fact we have been waiting so long for it and the shader is dope in my option but that's just me but I will admit there are some people from year 1 that have been tools since day 1 and for that I hope u find some good experiences so u don't become a rager on these forums