I don't have an issue with stormcallers. I think they are fine as is. As a HoS user, it is op in pvp. It's pretty useful in pve and has saved myself and my fire team more then once. If they could maybe make it a two hammer kill for pvp and leave it alone for pve, I think it would be reasonable. I would still be able to wipe a team out as long as I use it properly.
A 2 hit kill in PvP talk about BS then GG might as well have 50 shots in it then
Not sure what argument you're going with. Could you elaborate more on that?
Edited by DeadZombie568: 9/28/2015 6:00:31 PMWell it wouldnt be that fair considering it arcs and it can miss ......I think it is like Arcblade but the opposite Arcblade can attack faster move faster and one hit kill if Sunbreaker wasn't a ohk then it would be unbalanced cause a BD moves faster also they can blink so if it's not a OHK then it would be unbalanced
It's quite hard to miss tho. And has a good size blast zone on impact. If you have enough practice with it, you should be able to hit your targets fairly well.
Edited by DeadZombie568: 9/28/2015 6:01:06 PMOgre salad
This is truth. Thank you Titan. I suggested this same thing. I main hunter but played Titan to see what the hype was. I love it but hammers being one hit is the only real issue in pvp
Yeah, it doesn't take much to aim the hammer either. High blast range too. So honestly, two hit kill is perfectly fair in my opinion.
Sounds like a reasonable suggestion, mostly because of the splash radius
Pretty big blast range for a one hit kill