If I see you wearing a year 1 emblem you can expect a kick from me.
You all Year 1s think you are better, well news flash! Your not. Your a joke.
All I see from the forums are: let's troll year 2! How can we fool year 2? If your not from year 1 you suck!
Well I've had enough and I'm going to kick you year ones at the end near the rewards! Hahahah I'm laughing so hard! [i]WishYouLuckk Boys[/i]
You can't even spell or use proper grammar. Why listen to anyone who can't do simple things?
Without TTK there isn't much to do.... go for it.
You're an imbecile.
Do you realize how stupid you sound?
You're wearing a year one emblem
You guys are just taking the bait.
*Youre And btw you and your .97 KD should just quit destiny all together you -blam!-ing loser
First person I've ever muted in over a year on these forums.. Congrats you are special.
Those stats.... you'd be kicked from ToO no matter the emblem :)
Guess that's on you since we have the most experience.
How can you trails without the dlc?
Edited by NerdDotCom: 9/28/2015 4:25:34 PM#MutedForFgtry
Edited by Waabajack: 9/28/2015 4:25:42 PM"Your" English is hard
Look guys! It's a taken tot
Variks! Get on the comms! What did he say?!?
#WhatstheshapeofItaly=your mom
Lol I'd kick you in a heartbeat for your garbage grimoire and trials emblem across the board. I'd also leave before you could kick me because you clearly suck. What an ignorant douchebag.
Really I have never thought a year 2 was worse than me I have actually helped many new players and they are now at my level are past.
So some people on the forums are a little mean to y2 players. ( personally have not seen that but whatever..) so anyone with the moments of triumph element is an auto kick. Your going to kick 90% of the player base for playing the game when it wasn't easy as -blam!-?
Im so much better than you, in so many ways. :) I feel sorry for you.
Well good thing I won't be in a fire team with you scum! 😂
It's a troll post guys.he is wearing the flawless emblem on all 3 characters.
Blocked to make sure I never play with you. Thanks for the heads up!
Aaaa now i get it your a lowlife joke
Well all your trials emblems are technically year 1. Way to condradict yourself.