Okay let me go a little more into that. Some of the changes made into brawl and smash 4 make it really hard too go back to melee and smash 64. The few small differences make it feel more inconvenient to do small thing like pick up items and such. Sure the wave dashing was great once you learned how to do them. But still doesn't change the fact that playing brawl or smash 4 then trying Togo back to the previous games makes you really feel the difference. Again not bad games. Amazing for their time and arguably still now. Just the game mechanics from their subtle differences going to the next generation makes the previous feel slightly, bothersome? Not sure that's the right word. But closest I can think of to fit what I'm trying to say.
I used to feel that way going from Brawl to Melee, but now I play a lot of Melee, and I go back to brawl and it drives me crazy. I keep trying to L-cancel and dash-dance and wavedash and that sort of thing, and instead I feel like I'm jumping through molasses. It's still great fun, but on a competitive level I much prefer Melee. And 64.
I get what you mean