I agree light level is still up to RNG when they said it won't be. It annoys me that I can run 2-3 hours of strikes and not receive even 1 piece higher than what I have.
Got 3 primaries from the raid, a 300 a 300 and finally a 302.
My light level starting the raid? 297..my light level leaving? 298.
Meanwhile everyone else is getting 305 310 306 guns.
Not complaining I love ttk, really I do.
Just annoying they said that your level will no longer be up to RNG and instead is based solely on your effort.
Well I guess it could be but they don't want you to be max level instantly. I got legendary and exotic gear and now mostly I get blues that I can infuse to make that gear stronger but now you reach a point where that can't be.
Yea I got lucky. My first drop was a 302 ghost and then got. 307 sniper. Jumped a few levels.