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Edited by algymoncrieff: 9/27/2015 3:58:56 AM

Added to Match in Progress

Hi Bungie, I consistently spawn in to my crucible play for 3-5 matches without getting to start a game from the beginning. This is due to my consistently starting out by being dropped into a game that I am guaranteed to lose, either by having the mercy rule kick in, or because the match was inherently unfair, which was why people left, leaving me the space to begin with. Rift in particular has this problem because the maps are asymmetrical, and so one side is inherently easier to defend than the other. I think that to fix this problem, you should change two things. First, if a team reaches half the score before the other team reaches a quarter, that gap is not going to be overcome. If a team outstrips the other two to one that quickly, the match should end. I am still (having started late) being forced to play almost full games where I know I cannot possibly win because the mercy rule doesn't proc when it should. Please appreciate that 7000 to 20000 feels like just as much of a blowout as 2000 to 20000 does. To compound this problem, those uneven matches now prolong my problems by then separating everyone out and dumping us back into lobbies. Inevitably, I get sent back into a match on the losing team, find that is impossible to win, and the cycle repeats until, miracle of miracles, I get put into a match that is salvageable, keeping the scores close enough to not "break up the teams to look for more a even matchup." To fix this problem, I think the solution is simple. First, enact the mercy rule sooner, preferably whenever one team doubles the other team's score and has half the points necessary to win (e.g. 10000 pts against a teams with less than 5000 pts in a 20000 pt match). Second, don't separate everyone in the group out when mercy rule kicks in, just kick any fireteams out, and split the remaining players into teams by most recent high score, putting highest and lowest on one team, second highest and lowest on the next, and so on. This keeps the lobby full so down time is less, and prevents repeat matches where a fireteam decimates people just playing for fun. Finally, and most importantly, make it so that people cannot join any other activity in Destiny until their exited crucible match has finished. If they can't do anything else, people will be less likely to quit. Extrapolating off topic slightly, this should also apply to strike playlists, though maybe more like a 30 minute timer for quitting a normal strike, and an hour for quitting a heroic. Nothing sucks worse than having one wipe turn your matchmade fireteam into a one man attempt because your teammates give up. Thanks for looking over this, Please have a pleasant whatever time it is that you are reading this.

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