"Great and terrible. My stupid ghost always won't fix the damn problem of the ship. But, i got my mission successfully done by blow cabal ship by drawing large amount of Solar light. Haha."
"Maybe I could help you with your ship."
"Nice. These are a lot of stuff that won't be available in solar system anymore. My ship, which i created with stolen Golden Age relic, is that kind of stuff."
"I have a few books on golden age stuff that could help."
"That's great." [i]Yeah. And You've never asked me to fix the goddamned ship![/i] "Are you sure you are not having memory delete, ghost?"
"Wow, you guys fight a lot."
"Yup. I've never seen any ghost more being asshat than him." [i]And also, smarter than me. Asshole.[/i] "I gotta admit that you did some impressive job, but you need to know what to do."
"You guys argue like a old married couple."
[i]Oh, Creature of the Darkness, i will disintegrate you if you say that again.[/i] "Typical threatening, ghost."
"How will you do that? All you ghosts do is open doors."
[b]Ghost summons Turrets, surrounded Alpha and her.[/b] "Ghost, stop." [i]She wanted to know, though.[/i]
"Nevermind, but still, I'm harder to kill then that."
"These turrets, looks like fragile but it can puncture my armor in a fraction of second."
"Damn, now, could your ghost opener put the turrets away?"
"Ghost, you heard her, put them away." [i]Already done it.[/i]
"Great, I no longer see you as a glorified door opener."
"Although he does opening stuffs."
"Anyway, do exos drink?"
"I tried. And shorted my circuts."
"Ok, can you eat?"
"Hey, i'm a machine."
"Haha. But thanks for the offer though."
"You're welcome." [b]xerox smiles at him[/b]
"Anyway, so you can't devour light like Hive did?"