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originally posted in: How is the Hammer of Sol balanced?
9/26/2015 1:35:52 PM
Poor grenades Poor melee Poor jump No game supporting abilities Good super (all abilities tied to super)

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    Poor grenades: how so? I rather like the titans grenades, especially the one that sends waves of fire on an enemy's advantage zone. Poor melee: Titans have always had trex arms, but the melee abilities makes it to where you would never want to get in a titans face. Poor jump: I genuinely chuckled. I bet you wanted a titan blink. No support abilities: except for: -melting point -Thermal vent - have you ever heard of someone complain about having a sunbreaker on their team?

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  • [quote]Poor grenades: how so? I rather like the titans grenades, especially the one that sends waves of fire on an enemy's advantage zone.[/quote] Crucible 101: damage. Waves of fire does nothing, the enemy just waits until it stops. Arcbolt can tear down an entire team. [quote]Poor melee: Titans have always had trex arms, but the melee abilities makes it to where you would never want to get in a titans face.[/quote] When a Titan is in melee range it's already dead from either the opponents ranged melee, or a shotgun, or a fusion rifle, or pretty much everything that doesn't need to be put inside the throat in order to do damage. Also, both Strikers and Defenders melee sucks. Plain and simple. [quote]Poor jump: I genuinely chuckled. I bet you wanted a titan blink.[/quote] Unless you're one hand short and thus unable to aim; sure, Titan's jump is great. For those of us born with two hands and the ability to aim, a slow gliding jump is a free kill. [quote]No support abilities: except for: -melting point -Thermal vent - have you ever heard of someone complain about having a sunbreaker on their team?[/quote] I suppose you're imagining this thread is about PvE since you obviously seem to think that holding a point is a good thing and being mobile is not. How often does anyone complain about having a strong class on their team hmm? Never? No. Also, this wasn't even the point I was making: Sunbreakers aren't supported by any abilities outside their super (like Bladedancers can have Quick Draw, Gunslingers can stack reload speed and stability, how Defenders can great orbs from Heavy weapon kills, how Strikers can get shoulder charge, how Voidwalkers can extend the effect of their grenades or get super energy from melee hits or get health regen from melee hits, how Sunsingers can get an overshield from melee hits, etc etc etc). Everything a Sunbreaker has is tied to it's super.

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    Finally, someone who can actually debate. Let us begin then. :) "Crucible 101: damage. Waves of fire does nothing, the enemy just waits until it stops. Arcbolt can tear down an entire team" Crucible 101: Tactics. Waves of fire totally do something. Using a wave of fire on a control point or other heavily defended areas is sure to cause some chaos. Sure the enemy can just wait it out, but while they are waiting it out is the perfect time for you to make your next move as well. Such as taking advantage of said chaos to get a flank? Or rather using it to stagger an enemy into the open for a quick drop with a sniper. The possibilities will continue. You have to think outside of the box to win. Always be one step ahead of your opponent, know what he's going to do, before he knows what he's going to do. "When a Titan is in melee range it's already dead from either the opponents ranged melee, or a shotgun, or a fusion rifle, or pretty much everything that doesn't need to be put inside the throat in order to do damage. Also, both Strikers and Defenders melee sucks. Plain and simple." The only way a titan melee sucks, is if the person playing the titan sucks. Other than that, titan melees are incredibly useful. Ranging from dealing extra damage to providing a shield to dealing AoE damage to quickly burn the opponent alive. Sure, there aren't many instances where a titan should have to use his melee, but if people are stupid enough to get close to another person using a titan or a shotgun, they deserve to die a humiliating death. "Unless you're one hand short and thus unable to aim; sure, Titan's jump is great. For those of us born with two hands and the ability to aim, a slow gliding jump is a free kill." Well that insult was completely unnecessary and inaccurate. Titan jumps are slow unless you choose the right one. Increased control works wonders with getting around a map quickly and you don't have to be a stationary target. Plus Any titan jump with agility Increased to about a third wont suffer this problem. "I suppose you're imagining this thread is about PvE since you obviously seem to think that holding a point is a good thing and being mobile is not." No... pretty sure the points I made were about pvp. And I think that holding a point AND being mobile is a good thing. But different situations would benefit from one more than the other. Holding a point is a great thing in game modes like control, salvage, and, well that new point control mode. Holding a point is a very good strategy in those game modes since that's the point of those game modes. But game modes like clash would probably benefit from a more mobile set up. "Sunbreakers aren't supported by any abilities outside their super" I'm sorry but this is simply not true. See: All grenades All melee abilities -Fleet fire: while would more quickly benefit from using a super, does not require a super to take advantage of. -Simmering flame: using your super is actually the worst thing you can do to capitalize on this perk. -Cauterize: once again, doesn't require a super to benefit from. -Firekeeper: doesn't require a super to activate or benefit from. although being in super mode gains an additional benefit that would be very beneficial in a game mode like control. "(like Bladedancers can have Quick Draw, Gunslingers can stack reload speed and stability, how Defenders can great orbs from Heavy weapon kills, how Strikers can get shoulder charge, how Voidwalkers can extend the effect of their grenades or get super energy from melee hits or get health regen from melee hits, how Sunsingers can get an overshield from melee hits, etc etc etc)." Once again: not true. Sunbreaker can: - instant health regen w/o super -Significantly drop an opponents armor w/o super -Deal AoE damage w/o super -Deal DoT w/o super -Gain an over shield w/o super -Gain significant cooldown w/o using a super -Momentarily increase stats w/o super -Gain instant melee cooldown w/o super. "Everything a Sunbreaker has is tied to it's super." See above for why this is nothing short of a lie. Many abilities the sunbreaker has IS tied to its super that is true and I'm not denying it, but is using your super necessary to benefit from a majority of sunbreaker abilities? Not at all. The sunbreaker does not require the super to be an EXTREMELY beneficial subclass to those who play as a sunbreaker and to those whose allies play as a sunbreaker. Give the subclass a little more time for people to start playing around with set-ups and making more creative builds and I'm sure you will see that sunbreakers have much more going for them than just their super. And, ontop of all of these awsome perks and abilities:[spoiler]it has one of the best supers in the game :)[/spoiler] Source on all of this?: [spoiler]I main a titan, and am damn good with it. I know what I'm talking about. [/spoiler]

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  • ATTENTION COMMUNITY this is hands down the saltiest person I have ever encountered on these forums, hands down. Proceed with caution.

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  • [quote]ATTENTION COMMUNITY this is hands down the saltiest person I have ever encountered on these forums, hands down. Proceed with caution.[/quote]

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  • [quote]ATTENTION COMMUNITY this is hands down the saltiest person I have ever encountered on these forums, hands down. Proceed with caution.[/quote]

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  • [quote]ATTENTION COMMUNITY this is hands down the saltiest person I have ever encountered on these forums, hands down. Proceed with caution.[/quote] Your name makes everything better

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  • I do what I can :)

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  • This

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  • Its melee is pretty stronk and its grenades are also very good. It has a titan standard jump which is fine. But you do have a point about their abilities only buffing themselves and those buffs centered around their super. Basically, they are only good while supering.

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  • Edited by xXUberGhostXx: 9/26/2015 5:32:32 PM
    Poor melee? You melt bosses with it. Poor grenades? Fusion grenades. Nuff said. Poor jump? Obviously never played a warlock. Support abilities? Please refer back to melee.

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  • [quote]Poor melee? You melt bosses with it. Poor grenades? Fusion grenades. Nuff said. Poor jump? Obviously never played a warlock. Support abilities? Please refer back to melee.[/quote] Keyword: PVP. Fusion grenades has nothing on the other classes' grenades. Warlocks are statistically the worst in PvP, slightly above Defender titans.

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  • PvP sucks asshole either way so I mean.

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  • Yeah, they totally didn't rule trials with the 80% damage burn grenades and their self Rez.

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  • On average Warlocks barely break 1.0 kdr. No, self res was so bad. All you had to do was lock him down: once they self res you put two shotguns to his face and he's down again. Or a sniper bullet (which is why High impact snipers is a thing), either way.

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  • Speaking for yourself when you say barely breaking 1.0? I have over a 1.4 in all game types. 1.6 in a few. How is that barely breaking 1.0 kd? Self Rez was good when you only had one person around you. You'd have to be an idiot to self Rez into 3 people.

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  • According to Destiny Tracker since I'm above 1.5ish on my Warlock. That's called skill factor, which the general population are clueless of. Well, you're equally retarded if you split up... Soooooo. Yeah, go grab some statistics and come back with something substantial.

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  • Funny, haven't you heard the saying... "Half the statistics found on the Internet is false." Don't think you have. And me saying a statement makes me nowhere near mentally retarded. I have nothing wrong with my brain. Learn the English language before you call me names.

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  • Melee is great when using Monte Carlo and the sunspot build. OP actually. Lol the jump is hands down the best in the game. If you like hunters jump more fine that's an argument, but warlock jump is trash (coming from a warlock main)

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  • [quote]Melee is great when using Monte Carlo and the sunspot build. OP actually. Lol the jump is hands down the best in the game. If you like hunters jump more fine that's an argument, but warlock jump is trash (coming from a warlock main)[/quote] No, melee has no reach = bad melee. If you walk into a sunspot I cannot stress how much you deserve to die. In fact, your console deservers to self destruct. Best in the game? You mean after Blink which beats glide any day? Exactly, Warlock jump is trash, so is Titans. Anything that makes you hang in the air like duck hunt is bad.

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  • I'm obviously talking to a 12 year old PvPer haha PvP is not the only game mode buddy lol

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  • Are you mentally challenged? OP is whining about Sunbreakers being over powered in PvP and you're pulling the PvE card? You're retarded. Gtfo.

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  • I'm sorry where does OP specify? Oh wait he doesn't. I hope I helped getting your pent up aggression towards your mommy out lol now grow up and stop being rude to strangers on the internet like a little bitch

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  • Let's work our deduction skills here (I'll dubble up since you don't have any). Defender Titans are the strongest in PvE, together with Nightstalkers. Put the pieces together, if you can. Ps. I'm not angry, just have a zero tolerance against retards like you. You're the product of millions upon millions of years worth of evolution: [b][i]ACT LIKE IT[/i][/b].

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  • [quote] (I'll dubble up since you don't have any)[/quote] How about you learn how to spell before you insult intelligence fuking delinquent asshole. Point is you are INFERRING OP was talking about PvP and attempting to belittle me like it's fact. And it's not. And you call me retarded.

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