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9/25/2015 11:53:45 PM
Webster Definition - Hypocrite: "a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs" The pretend belief you're trying to show is that you believe all people should be able to spread what they believe. You even said that. However, you clearly prefer that Christians not spread what they believe and that you retain the ability to spread what you believe. This is undoubtedly hypocritical - there's no debate...but maybe a better way to put it is that you are living by a double standard Right, the "belief informs action" standard is not YOUR standard. It is a fact- you're right. However, it is the standard YOU chose to support YOUR argument. That's why I said your standard. I'm only trying to show you that in judging others in the spread of their faith, you judge yourself too. [quote]The reason I want them to stop spreading parts of what they believe, is because it is wrong. Homosexuality by definition is not, "evil, immoral or against nature".[/quote] Whose definition of homosexuality is this? Yours? Webster's? Is it objective? Is it God's? Christians have a very different definition of homosexuality than you do because they attach morality to it. So when you argue that it's not wrong, they already don't believe you. What you're doing is exactly what a Christian does when he comes to you and says that homosexuality is wrong and you laugh because your definition of homosexuality is completely different. So to say "by definition" does not work. It's not their definition. You're using another double standard. And what does freedom of speech got to do with this? I never said you couldn't say what you did. I just meant it makes you look ignorant. Calling freedom of speech is usually just used as a distraction, and it has nothing to do with your argument in this case.

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