After seeing this picture of a Taken Guardian on DeviantArt I had an idea.
Yes Griffball and Bungieball have legacy status in the company and is the product of the community's brainchild but Rift is lackluster.
Zombies in CoD and Flood in Halo saved the multiplayer experience for these games.
Destiny needs a gametype that mimics that using the Taken lore/mechanics.
12 man rumble free for all
1 starts off as a Taken Guardian only capable of using Modified Taken Nades/Melee/Super and attempts to infect the rest of the players.
Nade = Axiom bolt similar to Taken Centurion or the Area Denial Fire bombs that the Knights throw
Melee = Phalanx (lulz)
Super = Captain blinding bubble of bullshit
Thoughts on this gametype?
EDIT1: wow this is more popular than i thought
here is poll thread
Omfg yes bump
Shotguns. Shottys errywhere
Sounds pretty cool
Edited by CoolMoon: 9/25/2015 5:06:17 AM-blam!- yes good ole' Halo days :D
How about infected...? But with taken?
This would be fun as hell.
Taken guardian pve boss...... thoughts?
Rocket Race, man those were the days. Split screen with a buddy and a 24 on the coffee table. Looking back probably some of the funnest weekends I've ever had gaming.
I like that idea, I think it should just be a taken guardian, that can only use melee
Edited by Scarlet: 9/25/2015 4:39:37 AM
Me and my friend were discussing a similar game type, and the problem we came up with was that it wouldn't be very balanced. In halo the flood can make progress because of the sword lunge, and the dive roll. They need that one hit kill to be match. Whereas the guardians would simply team up, and whip out there shotguns. I think if you made it so that the taken had special swords, and there was no radar. It would make it playable. But then it goes back to the whole "no specific load out thing" so that you can use the weapons you spent all this time getting. Just some things to think about.
This would be a fantastic idea, but wouldn't really fit with the lore, which I'm sure they would want Crucible to do.
Call it [b]Blight.[/b]
Bump, one of my favorites from halo!
OMG yes
I don't know about rumble but I'd love a new infection game type. I never thought of the Hive in general as a race of parasites, however with Oryx's taken abilities I can now see it being an excuse to have this gametype in the crucible.
I would enjoy a simple 12 v 12 like battlefield 360, 32 vs 32 Xbox1. But PVE I want 80 vs ALL available. Or as close as we can get.