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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
9/24/2015 1:11:28 PM
As I looked out into the Reef, attempting to calm myself, I heard footsteps approaching me, and turned to them. The sight that caught my eyes made them widen in surprise: the Guardian was walking toward myself and the ship, her posture one of sadness and grief, as of... As of leaving behind that which one called home. "You didn't." I said. When she looked to me and did not deny it, my eyes widened further. "You would trust me, whom you have only just met, over those you have known for far longer?"

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  • "I know just as much about Variks as I do you."I said softly before turning my attention to the vast cauldron of the Reef. "What he said to you, made it clear that his focus was no longer on the very People Mora swore to protect. I'll carry out her will but I will not serve someone who withholds information from me." The Reef had been a refuge for me after I my path was lost, accepting me even though I was not of the race. At first it had been just for my services, but I grew close to the Royals and the guards. Now, I was lost again, but with a new crucible to face. I turned to the Fallen and offered a small smile, one of reassurance and hope.

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  • I sighed, and tried to convince her otherwise. "What he said holds no bearing on matters of the Reef or it's fate. He seems well-meaning, and plenty wise enough to lead, but he his words angered me to the point I did not think before I spoke. Do not let my concerns color your choices." I chuckled a bit. "Who is more the fool? The fool himself, or he who follows him?"

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  • "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit."I let out a light laugh, going back to staring at the depths of the Reef. My ghost had materialized from armor and flitted out to my open palm, rust covering majority of its mechanical self. "You know Variks had me Kill Skolas. Mora had wanted him to suffer in the Prison, ridicule him, talk."I began, remembering the Prison of Elders Trials. "But Variks wanted him dead." "I've been naive to think I could continue my services after Mora's reign. I need to find my own path, my own fate instead of relying on others to make my decisions." "We all go through our crucible.."I repeated softly, more to myself than to him.

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  • I chuckled a bit at her statement, thankful she had been able lift me from my mood. Then I looked out to the Reef again and sighed. "Well, it's not quite the way I had intended to get there, but I guess it's the only option for the both of us now." I looked to the guardian- no, to my friend, and smirked a bit. "Let's just hope they don't have excitable trigger fingers."

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/24/2015 8:37:53 PM
    "One can hope."My ghost piped up, his voice sounding distorted and broken almost. I looked to him, giving him a smile as he floated lightly in my palm. "It's never easy, is it Hades?"I said softly, his form materializing back into my armor system. I turned to look to my companion, giving him an apologetic look. "I do apolgize, I don't believe I've formally introduced myself; I'm Artemis."

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  • I smiled, nodding. "Well met," I said, turning to walk to the ship. "Let us hope we see dawn." /\/\/\/\/\/\time skip/\/\/\/\/\/\/ As we approached the City and Artemis confirmed our validity, I took the chance to gaze upon the spectacle before us. The City shined like a beacon, encompassed by enormous walls the likes of which I had never seen. Resting above it all, however, was that which had pushed my race to so much hate and jealousy: the Traveler. Scarred and dormant though it was, it still was a sight to marvel at. I shook myself from my stupor just before she closed the comms channel. "I would suggest going ahead and asking for your leaders to meet us upon our arrival. Hearsay can twist things impressively far out of proportion. I think it better to avoid that."

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/24/2015 10:25:49 PM
    I let out a light laugh, nodding my head along to his words. I couldn't exactly remember the last time I had set foot into the tower, not that I had left on the best of terms. Thank goodness I was one of the favorites. I strode ahead, summoning Hades in my palm, his form flitting towards the Speaker at my silent command. As I reached the Hall of Guardians, three pairs of eyes settled on me, unnerving me. "Look who's come home."Cayde said, being the first to break the silence, shattering the tension. I approached the Exo, sitting on the edge of the table, swaying my legs ever so slightly, like a kid. "It seems as if she brought some company as well."The Speaker spoke as he approached, Hades flitting by his head. I nodded to the trio and stood up, speaking in a tone I haven't heard myself use in quite some time "I'll return in a moment."

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  • After I watched Artemis walk back out to the plaza, I turned to the Vanguard and, upon seeing their expressions, endeavored to lighten the mood. "My, any warmer a welcome and I might be able to feel my fingers," I said with a chuckle. "Ah, a comedian!" Exclaimed the Exo, Cayde-6, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, humor me this, then: why are you here?" "Why, for the same reason any would come here: to seek the Light." I responded lightly, before sobering immensely. "Though, you no doubt already know what I'm going to say, it needs to be spoken. The Eliksni's days are numbered, and recent events have only accelerated that calendar. Much as most would deny it, we need help, and soon. As I see it, there is only one place that help could come from." I looked each of them in the eye, to make sure they knew what I meant. The Awoken, Commander Zavala, scoffed. "If you think the City will just ignore the past-" "I may be a fool, but I would prefer it if you did not accuse me of outright stupidity." I cut him off, before sighing. "Even so, it is not you I am truly worried about convincing, as I hope my actions will soon vindicate my words. I have no doubt, though, that a great many of my people would die and see us extinct before they would consider peace with you. Most, though, simply haven't thought of it yet, or either think it impossible, for the same reason you object to the idea. I paused a moment. "Both our peoples have a tendency to hold grudges long after it makes sense to. I hope to break that cycle, and prevent the extinction of my race." Before either of the males could respond, the human female, Ikora Ray, spoke: "Just what is it you would do for the City." She held up a hand to forestall her peers' arguments. "Let us hear him out before we judge him further." I chuckled somewhat at that. "I honestly don't know. But if it will prove that I can be trusted, and will help your cause, then I will do it. However," I held up a hand. "I would rather my presence here not be known by any of the Houses. I did my best to cover my tracks, but there are those I cannot be sure would safe if my existence were known." The Warlock contemplated that for a moment, before she looked back at me. "We will... consider it. For now, you will placed under guard watch. Should you try to evade it, you will be executed. Is that understood?" I nodded, keeping calm in the face of the obvious threat. "Of course." "Very well. Wait outside, your escort will be here in a moment." I nodded once more, then turned and left the way I had entered.

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/25/2015 8:21:22 AM
    I stood there and watched the interaction with fascination and curiosity. It was the first time in our history that a fallen had reached out to the Vanguard for help. Though they had looked skeptical and held anger in their eyes-yes even Cayde- i had watched that dissipate slowly. After he had left, I could see them contemplate the situation, mull over the thought. The Speaker, though his face hidden, and his hands were folded in his robes I could tell that he took the matter seriously. "Isn't it the Traveler's wish to protect those who seek help?"I asked softly. I had once spent some time under the Speaker as a student, learning of the ways and traditions of Light. "They are no different than ourselves, just different values and culture."I looked to the quartermasters "Perhaps it's time to break from a meaningless war and seek to help one another. I'm sure the Citizens of the Last City will understand when they realize the new threat that could cause our entire extinction" I turned to look to Zavala, a pained look in my eyes; "we both know your Titans are not indestructible." I said, the words stinging like ice against my own skin. I looked to the other two Vanguard masters with no words that needed to be spoken. They knew, it was just too painful to say aloud and I was somewhat thankful on didn't have to. Without giving them time to respond, I left the hall and headed up the staircase. The sight of the Fallen within the tower would have been strange, but I had welcomed the idea now. I wanted to help him in his endeavors and in order to do that...I had to accept him. " could have gone worse."I said to him, letting out a light laugh.

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  • I chuckled at her humor. "In all honesty, I hadn't expected to even leave that room in one piece, let alone them actually consider my words." I shook my head and looked out to the City and the Traveler. "It would seem this fool will live to see another day." We both turned to the sound of approaching footsteps to see a Titan nearing us. "You the Fallen I'm supposed to escort?" He said, the barest hint of disgust bleeding through. I snorted at that. "My friend, do you see another with four arms and four eyes here?" He scowled at that, but I turned to Artemis before he could respond. "It would seem that we must part ways, if only for the night. May you shine on, Artemis."

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  • "Aye, you as well."I returned, with a polite bow. I gave the Titan a stern look, one I was proud of as I watched him shiver. "Let me remind you, he is a guest of the Speaker."I said with finalty, turning around and heading towards acourtyard. Hades materialized from my armor and gave me a curious look, one which I answered by stepping into the training ground i had built long ago. "Better to let it out then bottle it in."I said , disposing of my cloak. "Training will help you how?" He had asked in his broken voice. "We all have different coping methods, this is mine, as you know."I laughed lightly, the past two days having adding to my grief.

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  • The Titan escorted me in stalwart silence, so I did not make an attempt at small talk, not that I could think of anything to say. When he opened the door to my new quarters and I stepped in, however, I noticed a familiar difference in the air. I took off my helmet and took a breath. "Ether," I said with a sigh. Turning to my silent companion, I said, "You really do care." I took another breath, realizing how thin it was, though. "Ah, but only enough to keep me alive, eh?" He scowled again. "You will stay here until the Vanguard summons you. Until then, I will guard this door; and if you even think of leaving," he patted the pistol at his hip, a sidearm, "I'll not hesitate to put a hole in your skull." With that, the for sealed shut, my only exit now locked. I chuckled again. "Quite the charmer." I turned to the sparse furnishings and let out a breath. "Still, a good deal better than what I was expecting." Only now did my exhaustion make itself known, and suddenly my body felt like iron. "Perhaps some rest will do me good." I walked towed the bed, shedding my cloak and armor as I went. The guards had already taken my weapons, so there was no need to worry about that. Soon, I was left with only my skinsuit, and I lied down with a groan. "Yes, just a short nap." I was out before my head hit the pillow. (Time skip) "ZAVAK!" I awoke to my own cry, startled from the terrifying nightmare. I drug a hand down my face, trying to catch my breath. I looked out the small window in the room to the view of the City and the Traveler. "What are you trying to tell me?" I whispered. I didn't turn at the sound of the door opening, knowing it was the guard coming it to check on me, however belated. "I'm quite alright, you needn't worry about me." He didn't say anything, presumably scanning the room, before he closed the door once more. I lied back down with a sigh, determined to get some sleep. Next I awoke, it was to summons rom the Vanguard. (Time skip) As I walked toward the Hall of Guardians, I spotted Artemis, who's expression turned worried at the sight of me, before she ran to greet us. I imagined I must have looked rather haggard, going by her expression; even so, I tried to put on a smile. "Good morning, Artemis."

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/25/2015 6:45:17 PM
    "Good morning."I had said lightly, turning to the Titan and waving him off with a simple wave of my hand "You're dismissed." I examined the Fallen to make sure no harm had come to him during the Titan's watch, pleased to noticed he only looked exhausted. I had given him a curious look before passing it off, not wanting to bring it up. "Titans aren't the best of company."I commented, trying to lighten his mood. "I was on a team of three, I would know. Ah, shall we?" I turned on my heel and headed towards the hall of guardians, the fallen by my side. As we approached my heart hammered against my chest, fearing the worst, yet I kept a calm demenor for his sake...and mine.

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  • "Well," greeted Ikora, "You look-" "Like death warmed over?" I supplied, chuckling. "I am aware. Last night was... far from restful. Enough of that, though. I assume by your summons that you have made a decision?" At this, it was the one in the mask, the Speaker of the Traveler, who responded. "Indeed. And it is that we are not the ones to make that decision. No matter what, our experiences might color our judgment, and so we must look to another source: the Traveler. More specifically, it's Light." He looked to Ikora here. "We have devised a modified version of the awakening procedure used to create new guardians. We believe that it can be used to determine if you are worthy to receive the blessings of the Light." At this, my eyes widened slightly, before I regained myself and nodded. "Well, then, there's no reason to wait. How soon can we start?" The Speaker nodded back. "Now" (Time skip) As I lay on the operating bed, I looked through the observation window to those gathered, and gave a smile and a thumbs-up to Artemis, who responded in kind, before I put my head back and closed my eyes. "Whenever you're ready." Then, there was only light and darkness. (???????????????) I opened my eyes to find myself standing, surrounded by darkness, with a bright light in the distance. I looked down at myself, finding my from covered in darkness like a shroud. Knowing what I had to do, I began for the light. Before long, though, I found it harder and harder to continue, and when I looked down again, I saw tendrils of shadow leading back into the void, and began to hear whispers. They seemed to promise glory, recognition, power- I kept on, ignoring both, even as they grew more intense, more forceful. Soon, it took all my will to advance just another step, to not give into the Darkness. Then, in an instant, the whispers stopped, and a new, far more terrifying voice spoke, it's voice resonating from everywhere but the light: "If you would seek this, then you would seek your own destruction." Then, the pain - the excruciating, soul-rending pain - began. I felt each individual tendril tear at my at my being, and yet I continued on. A poem came to mind - an ancient piece, and one that had helped inspire me to take this path. "Out of the night," a step. "That covers me," another step. "Black as the pit," yet another. "From pole to pole," still another. The voice spoke again. "You would defy-" I cut it out, continuing my chant. "I thank whatever gods may be." The tearing intensified. "For my unconquerable soul." With every line of the old verses, a step, and an increase to the pain. Both were ignored, my whole being given to recitation and achieving my goal. Soon, I reached the end of the poem, the light almost in my grasp. "It matters not how stait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate," I reached the light, letting it take me wholly, and as I heard the voice scream in outrage, I finished the poem. "I am the captain of my soul." And then there was naught but light. (???????????????) I took a breath, before opening my eyes to see the face of my friend looking down at me, concern filling her eyes. "Hey," I said, my voice hoarse - probably from my screams of pain. I cracked a smile nonetheless. "How are you?"

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/25/2015 11:30:09 PM
    The process was hard to watch to say the least, lasting longer than it should have. The battle was harsh, his screams ripped from his throat and cut into the air. It was painful, yet it would determine his fate and I had faith as his screams lessened. When I could tell he was coming to, I made my way quickly to him, still concerned. About both his fate and his well being. His eyes opened and he asked me the most incredulous question given his situation. "I should be asking [i]you[/i] that."I laughed lightly, looking to him with hopeful eyes then to the Speaker who approached us.

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  • I sat up to face him, holding out a hand to calm Artemis. "I see that the procedure worked. I formally welcome you to the City, and grant you the title of Guardian." "Thank you," I said with a chuckle. "But if I am to become a beacon of the Light, I'll need more than a title, won't I?" The speaker nodded. "Indeed. I take it by your words you have one in mind?" I returned the gesture. "Quite. It is an old one, but no less fitting. If you allow it, I would take the name "Invictus"." "Then so it shall be, Invictus. Have you also thought of what order you shall join?" "I have." I looked to Artemis, then back to the Speaker. "Leaders of my people have long been chosen for strength and ruthlessness. I believe it is time for a change to those values. I choose to be a Warlock, so that I might gain the wisdom to lead them from the darkness and into the Light." He nodded once more. "Very well, then. Do you have any preference as to speciallization?" "Stormcaller. Just as we were scattered by a tempest, so, too, shall I gather us with one." "Then your training shall begin in the morning. For now, rest, and regain your strength." He nodded to is all, and left. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and spoke to my friend. "Artemis, could you hand me my staff? I don't quite trust my legs yet."

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  • I nodded and retrieved his staff, handing it to him and helping him to his feet. Though the process was painful, I had faith and I could only feel elated of his success. He was a child of the light now, a guardian. Someone who had purpose to fufil and now he was on the road to even greater accomplishments. "Welcome to the Light Invictus."I said with a welcoming smile.

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  • "Thank you," I responded, nodding as I took my staff. I used it to then hold myself steady as I slipped off the bed and stood, my legs still somewhat weak. Once I had my balance, I looked to Ikora, who had stepped forward. "Let me be the first to welcome you to the Warlock order. I will not be your mentor, but I will make sure you are put in good hands. For now, I will assign you your Ghost." As she spoke, my new companion flew in through the door. It nodded to the Warlock Vanguard, before turning to me. It had a simple white shell, clean and unblemished, as though it were made yesterday. "Hello, Invictus. I am Gamma, and, it would seem, now your Ghost. I look forward to working with you." I nodded to the small machine. "As do I, Gamma." Then, it disappeared, and I felt the new presence settle itself in my Light. Then, I looked back to Ikora. "Your ghost will show you to your new quarters. Tomarrow, it will inform you as to your new mentor, as well as where to meet them. Until then, farewell." With that she left, as did her peers. When they were gone, I turned to Artemis. "You wouldn't happen to know a quiet place where one could simply hear their own thoughts, would you?" I said with humor.

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  • I paused, thinking of the courtyard I had tendered to and cared for with my time spent here. "Actually, yes. It's not too far."I said with a smile, walking at a comfortable pace for him. The courtyard had been in the east wing of the tower, right outside where the procedure had been done. It didn't take long, as promised, to reach the grounds, an exo nodding to me before opening the massive double set doors that swung inwards, welcoming us. It was always a pleasant site to see, and I was pleased to know the helpers of the towers had kept up with it in my absence. I led him past the training grounds, he'd no need for that at the moment and towards the edge where the garden lay. The fence was gone, trees towering above us, soft grass welcoming. The garden overlooked the mountains of old Russia, the site was serene and peaceful. I turned to him, with a smile. "Would this suffice?"I had asked with a light chuckle, wind picking up the branches above us and swaying them.

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  • "I should think so, yes. But, one last thing." I said. Then, I took off my ether mask, and took a deep breath, a smile on my face. I then lowered myself to the ground and sat with my legs crossed, putting my staff to the side, before patting the ground next to me. "Might you join me? I've never meditated before, but I imagine it might be better with company." With that, I closed my eyes, and ignored all but my newfound Light.

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  • I hesitated momentarily, having not shared company in the courtyard before, but sat down next to him nonetheless. I stared out to the mountains and the outskirts of the City, noting the broken wall from fallen attempts at breaking through. I had fought along side Ana Brey at the skirmish, protecting what I was reborn to do. [i]so much death[/i] I shivered as the breeze picked up and instead of thinking more of the topic, I closed my eyes and centered my light. The power of solar, arc and void coursed through freely and I immediately relaxed, letting my mind go.

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  • Through my mind's eye, I looked at myself, my new strength. It was bright, brighter than explanation, but... incomplete. Shapeless, in a way I did not know how to define. So, I reached out and felt the light of my friend. The differences were as stark as they were numerous. Her light was scarred from battling the Darkness, keeping it at bay, but all the stronger for it. I sensed what I could only guess was loss and longing, but also pride, perseverance, and a little humor. Taking a step back, I felt the shape - or rather shapes - of her light. The shifting mysteriousness of void. The sharp agility of arc. The patient precision of solar. Though obviously different from the shape mine would take, it helped me define what was missing. In terms of the Light, I had just been born; a mass of clay, waiting to be shaped. Well, that just wouldn't do, now would it? Even though I had not yet had the chance to show it much, I liked to think myself a creative fellow. So, like any good curious person might do, I experimented. I shaped my light this way and that, seeing how it reacted, then trying something new. I imagined I must have looked fairly strange, what with my seemingly random moments of eureka. But just from sitting there, testing this and that, I learned a lot. My light seemed to accept any changes to it, keeping a... memory, you could call it, of each shape, but always yearning for more. It took any shape I gave it, from a shield to wings, a hammer, and other, stranger shapes. At one point, it took the form of a tree; the next, a hawk; the next, a giant. So many possibilities available with just my light alone. Some were slightly more difficult than others, such as the shield or the hammer, as though something was missing from the puzzle. I imagined that those would take the form of the various elements. Even so, I continued, ever curious, searching for new ideas. It wasn't until someone called my name that I opened my eyes. When I did, the sun had already set, and the night was growing progressively darker.

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  • During the middle of my session, I felt an odd sensation, a friendly essence which I welcomed. I had figured it to be a good learning experience for my companion, allowing him to observe the will of light. Light was different with each child of the Traveler, varying immensely. Some had more control and preservance, while others allowed more will and freedom. Guardians shaped light and light shaped guardians, a beautiful cycle. I had once seen an individual who bent and shaped their will into a cloud of darkness, letting the abyss consume and blacken his light. I snapped from my revere as I felt Invictus' presence slip away, and instead focused on his, observing as he experimented. One session wasn't enough to grasp the full concept of light, but it was a step forward. I opened emerald eyes and stared into the blue hues of night, my hand landing on my companions arm. "Invictus, perhaps it's best for you to rest now, I'll show you your quarters." I said while standing up and offering him a hand.

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  • "Ah, yes, heh." I said, rubbing the back of my head. "It would seem I got a bit carried away in my... curiosity." I smiled sheepishly as I stood, picking my staff up as I did. "I guess it is wise to get some sleep now."

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  • I offered him a smile and nodding, leading him out of the courtyard. The exos on guard shut the set of doors behind us and we walked in comfortable silence through the tower. I could feel stares of the other guardians, yet I couldn't pin point the exact expression that flashed through their eyes. Surprise..pain..acceptance? We stopped at his door and I gave him a polite bow, Hade materializing from my armor. "Cayde would like a word with you...looks like no rest tonight."He commented with his broken voice. I looked to my fellow comrade, releasing a sigh. "Rest up guardian, I'll see you later."

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