You can still play all that you paid for. All the story missions, all the strikes, raids, crucible maps, and patrols. The only thing they did was move up end game activities to give you the best gear in TTK, which you don't need to play year 1 content
Please explain how you can't do any of these.
Please... For me? ;)
Ok good conversation.
..what about vanilla players that can no longer buy well...anything? (gear, vanilla weapons, etc) Strikes? Crucible? That's funny..ever since ttk dropped people have been given the same 2 strikes over..and over..and over with little to no differentiation. And crucible is a joke now, since the mash of control and clash players rarely (if ever) get control matches.
Well vanilla players don't need the newest vendor gear as it is meant for year 2 content. If you enjoy the game I would highly recommend buying this expansion as it is pretty good in my time with it so far.
Well no one said anything about the newest gear. But for some players say.. like myself that like to collect items or work our way up.. the ability to buy anything regardless of what so called "elite" and legendary players say is missed. As an example i was working my way up dead orbit rank to buy some gear and weapons that i found interesting. And now i cant? That is a VANILLA FEATURE that WAS taken away. As for sure i will buy it, maybe. And im happy people that bought it are enjoying it. But that doesnt change the fact that what happened with 2.0 and ttk is bullshit.
I mean they could have added in special venders that sell year one stuff. But if they just didn't restock year one vender items with year 2 then people that paid for new content would be the ones feeling ripped off, and that is worse for business.
I'll just say this, Destiny is a game full of terrible designs and choices.. I personally wish the shooting mechanics weren't so damn fun so I could gladly walk away and play something else. But part of me is staying hopeful that this game can be something not surrounded by drama and known for crooked business models in the next year or two. I may take a break and come back when bungievision pulls and 360 and redeems themselves.
I'll probably keep on playing it for quite some time. My playtime might drop off once I get MGSV and once fallout comes out, but I'll still come back to it every now and then.
Fallout and doom are high on my anticipation list. Cant wait for those two. Along with ghost recon wildlands and the new hitman.
Yeah doom and ghost recon look pretty good so far too. Haven't really seen much on the new hitman though.