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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by Hayleesi: 9/23/2015 11:12:25 AM
A lone Huntress crouched lowly on a cliff, her armor blending well with the environment, making her hidden quite nicely. A sniper lay snug in her grasp, the girl making a few adjustments to see her target more clearly. "Exactly [i]why[/i] does Variks want this one?"her ghost said within her armor system. After the Queen had...succumbed to Orxy, Variks was the only suitable option to take over The reef. "Not sure, I just take orders and ask questions later."She replied, sighing in frustration. "He's out of sight line, thanks." The huntress strapped her rifle across her back and moved downward, trying to get a better angle on the Eliksni, her footfalls deadly quiet. [spoiler]your intro is great, but unsure of where you want to take it. Let's do some work shall we? [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Agreed, and that's kind of the reason I came here. Had a few ideas, but no definite endgame :P. However, before we continue, I have a suggestion: why not put it after the Queen's death, and make Variks the one to send for him? Just a thought, take it or discard it as you wish.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]it's edited (: [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Then let the story begin :)[/spoiler] It has been several days since I left House Kings, and there have been few interruptions. It was quite peaceful, to be honest, and I enjoyed it while it lasted. I breathed in the simple calm of the land, and with a smile, I continued on my path, my wooded staff hitting the ground with a dull thud every few steps. I also made sure my company was still in tow. I still did not panic, though, simply noting it, and continued to walk for a little longer, before sitting down against a tree and sighing a bit. I took a moment to check my equipment once more: my pistol, knife, and sword, all painstakingly customized, we're still as they were last I checked them. My ether synthesizer, as well, was in perfect condition: a little invention of my own, made to help me in my travels. Finally satisfied that all was as it should be, I spoke aloud for the first time in days. "Will you not join me for a spot of rest, guardian?" [spoiler]Your move :) Also, please pardon any long-windedness or odd wording, first time I've done any sort of creative writing.[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/23/2015 11:47:43 AM
    She trudged along at a safe distance, her sniper against her back now, a gold revolver held taunt instead. Emerald eyes examined him from the distance, noticing how calm he looked. It was almost serene. Suddenly the Eliksni stopped and settled against a tree, his voice breaking the silence that surrounded them. Surprise flickered across her face briefly before her calm demenor took over. The Huntress slipped from her cover, her green and earthy armor shader fading into a solid starch white and gold. She kept a distance from the fallen, just as a precaution. [spoiler]nah you're good, so far everything is great (: [/spoiler]

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  • With humor in my eyes, I gestured to our surroundings. "Will you not sit with me? I assure you, I intend no harm to one of the Light."

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  • [spoiler]I suppose I'll make it easier by doing first person as well lol[/spoiler] I hesitated for a moment, not being one to socialize with my targets, yet his aura read of anything but darkness. I couldn't sense it anyway. Sighing I walked over to a tree across from him and sat down, taking off my helmet. Red hair, partially shaved on one side spilled in freedom, covering my half scarred face, twirling a knife in my free hand.

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  • "I apologize for not being a very good host, as I don't have anything to offer other than conversation. Even so might you tell me why you've been tailing me these past few days?" I sent a inquisitive glance at her as I said it, never losing my humor. It was obvious by her stance and scars she was well-versed in battle - no doubt some of it against Eliksni - and so I did my best to put her at ease.

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  • "Unfortunately I'm not one for conversation either."I said, but after a moment of silence, I continued. "However I'm curious as to why Variks has any interest in you." Something about the fallen made me doubt Variks' words and I sheathed my knife and holstered my revolver, folding my hands neatly into my lap.

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  • My eyes widened in slight surprise, before I lowered my head, shaking it as I chuckled. "What would House Judgement want with a fool like me?"

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/23/2015 1:05:59 PM
    "Something about you exiling yourself, he seemed...displeased. But it's not just House Judgment, Variks takes charge of The Reef"I said, brows furrowed. "My contractors usually don't give me much information..."I muttered to myself lowly, I should really enforce that into the deals later on.

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  • I looked to the sky for a moment, contemplating that. Then I sighed, and looked back at the guardian. "I've no idea why Variks has taken interest in me, but what he said is... partially right. I have exiled myself, yes - but not just from my House. I have discarded most all of the old ways, and have taken to this path to test myself. To prove that I am worthy of the blessings of the Traveler, as you call it." I chuckeled, then. "Perhaps he sees me as a candidate for Kell of Kells." I shook my head again to show just how absurd that was. Then, I looked her in the eye. "Enough about this fool, though. Would you care to tell me a bit about yourself? You have obviously been through great hardship and sorrow, more so than your occupation explains."

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  • I looked to the Fallen, nodding along at how absurd it would be. The last kell of Kells hadn't done so...successfully at the title, Variks disbanding the title until he sought a fallen fit for the position. That much I knew for I hadn't been under his hand that long. My eyes met his and I gave him a long stare as he threw the question at me. It was meaningless really, but I wasn't one to hold conversation as of late, seeing the last person I had fully talked to died to Orxy. "We all go through our crucible."I said simply, lifting my chin up slightly.

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  • I nodded at that, accepting that she wouldn't give me anything else. "I see. I'm apologize if I brought up harsh memories." Then, got up, and went to offer her a hand - but, of course, she was standing before I did. I smiled again at that. "In any case, I believe it is time we got going. I assume your ship is near to hand?"

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  • "Actually..."I paused and let out a dry chuckle. "I wasn't expecting confrontation for at least two miles more, so my ship is ahead of us." I was good at what I did, planning, hunting, so the early contact was....surprising and honestly took me off guard.

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  • Pleased that the woman had finally shown some amount of humor, I responded with a gleam in my eye. "Well, then, we had best get going, correct?" I picked up my staff and motioned for her to lead the way.

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  • I nodded slowly before falling into a comfortable pace with the Fallen, welcoming the comforting silence. He was odd, much like Variks in some ways, far from some of the Eliksni I encountered...those confrontations didn't end very well. I shivered at the thought. "What's your name?"I asked while, looking to the ground as we walked forward.

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  • The question brought the pain of memories to the surface, no doubt some of it showing. "Ah, that is... an interesting challenge. You recall how I stated my dismissal of the old ways, yes? Well, one part of that was discarding my old moniker, to make the separation complete. As such, I've yet to take a new one, but I'm sure one will come in due time." I tried to force a bit of humor back into myself, but only succeeding slightly.

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  • I could feel the change of atmosphere, hear the pain in his voice and felt a sense of guilt for asking. However I looked to him , the corner of my lip twisting up slightly. "We all go through our crucible."I repeated. "And we grow stronger from it, I'm sure one will come to you when the time is right."

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  • I nodded at that, grateful for the gesture and the lightening of the atmosphere. "Aye, that it will." [spoiler]I suggest we transition to the a Reef from here. Not much else to say, unless your Ghost wants to add his two cents.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]her ghost is kinda mute ish, his character is odd after his revival[/spoiler] We had reached my ship in comfortable silence and in no time, thanks to the parts I tinkered with we reached the Reef. I hated coming here now, the Queens banners remained in place, as of the moment, but it only reminded me of time spent as her right hand. I snapped out of my revere and plastered a small smile onto my face before moving forward towards the throne room. The guards knew me well, dipping their heads in respect as we passed. If I had time perhaps I'd go see Petra, but for now I had to focus on Variks. So I led the fallen to him.

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  • As we walked into the room and towards the throne, Variks looked up from his conversation with what looked like his subordinates. He dismissed them, and turned to us. "Captured your quarry, yes? You will be... compensated for your assistance." At this, I spoke up. "I hardly think myself "captured", Variks of House Judgement. Though if you're willing to send a Guardian to retrieve me, I am curious as to why." He started a bit, and peered a bit more closely at me. "You speak... well. Better than most Fallen." I chuckled a bit at that. "What better way to put potential friends at easy than with their own language?" He seemed to think on that for a moment. "Thoughts of the deceptive, yes?" I nodded at that, but stood my ground. "Also the thoughts of the kind and generous." [spoiler]Your move :)[/spoiler]

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  • I watched the interaction between the two fallen, a bit taken aback by how odd it seemed to see the two speak English. Yet as the fallen Variks sent me after spoke, I knew nothing but good would come from him. I was curious, but I felt somewhat out of place, like the matter should be between the two so I turned to Variks and spoke softly, professionally. "I'll seek your audience later Variks, I wish to discuss some...matters." I said before giving him a slight bow. It was out of habit really from serving Mora.

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  • I watched as the Guardian strode out, curious as to what she spoke of. However, there were far more important matters at hand. Switching to Eliksni, I turned to Variks. "So why did you ask me here, Judgement?" He looked to me, and sighed, exhaustion showing in his form now. "We are dieing. Several houses crippled, Wolves near destroyed. Skolas was no help in matters." I looked him in the eye. "An understatement." I deadpaned, before becoming serious. "Why do you think I sought the path I did? Whatever we do, we must commit to, and the self-proclaimed "Kell of Kells" showed that destruction and violence would only bring them upon ourselves. I sought to show that the Light could still forgive us, even after everything." He sighed again. "Some will still die for the old ways, no matter what. Your brother-" "Stop." I said forcefully, and not without a little pain in my voice. He started a bit. "Whatever else, do not speak of my past - or those involved in it. Let it lie." He looked at me for a moment, evidently still overcoming his surprise, before he nodded. "Very well, as you wish. In any case, I agree with you, in that we cannot continue as we have. We must unite, and realize this, or else we will die. Much as the name is tarnished, we need a Kell of Kells," eyeing me as he said it. I stared back incredulously. "You cannot be serious?" When he stayed silent, I chuckled harshly, any good mood now gone. "You are a fool if you think any will follow me, let alone name me Kell of Kells." I looked him in the eye. "I know you now command the Prince's crows, and seek the one that would unite the Houses. But if you think that one is I, then you are sorely mistaken." I paused a moment to let that sink in. "Now if you have nothing more to say, I will take my leave. I have a crucible to endure." And with that, I walked out, accompanied only by the thudding if my staff and my own rage.

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  • Edited by Hayleesi: 9/24/2015 5:57:01 AM
    I sought the company of the guards for some time before stepping over to Petra. It had been the first time I talked to her since Mora's death, the woman having her back towards me. Before i could utter s word she turned to me, a form of relief and undeniable pain sparkling in her eyes. "Artemis."She breathed, embracing me quickly, my body stiffening a moment before returning the affectionate gesture. I pulled away but my hands remained on her arms as we spoke. "How's the Reef holding up?"I asked, looking around the outpost Mora had opened up previously. "Variks closed our doors-so to speak-so we could recover,'s quiet, Dead almost. "She replied to my question sadly. I sighed and only nodded, looking to her one visible eye. "I will carry on the Queen's word, I swear to it Petra."I said to her before looking out where they had been slowly removing the Queens banners and replacing them with Judgements."Variks means well, the reef will recover with his leadership." I hope. They were more comforting words for the guard I had grown close to over the last year. Or to myself, I didn't know. Before I could put any more thought into it, I heard the throne room door open and the Eliksni sundered out. Something was off, I could feel the distaste of anger radiating from him. I gave Petra a small smile and a quick embrace before heading over to my quarry. Audience with Variks would have to wait another day. "I'm assuming all did not go well with Variks?..."I asked as I approached him.

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  • I looked up to where the Queen's banners were being replaced with those of House Judgement, disgust filling me, before I sighed and took a breath, trying for a better mood. With the outbreath, I said, "An understatement." Then I scowled, and looked the Guardian in the eye. "I fear for the Reef under the leadership of a fool." I turned for the hangar, then. "If you need me, I'll be with the ship," I said, before walking off to leave her with the former Judgement scribe.

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