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9/22/2015 9:38:27 PM

Zone Control inherent flaw

In my opinion, Zone Control is a pretty stupid map type. Control, I get. Zone Control, I don't. The inherent structure of the Crucible is PvP, but this game type invalidates all kills and deaths. The inherent idea behind PvP in a Destiny-type game is to encourage people to grind for better and better gear, and then use that gear to competitively face off against other players and their gear. But this game type is essentially just run around the map capturing zones, and basically spend the majority of the time running in circles between zones, as you lose one and take a different one in the process. What I see the most in this type of game is now people just hiding behind boxes with a shotgun. That's all they have to do. They literally don't have to do anything else because all kills and death are invalidated, and in this game mode, they're not a hindrance to their team at all, in fact they're celebrated. Meanwhile the gamers that try to actually actively seek kills are instead considered the hindrance. I wish I could somehow form words to state what was on my mind better but just this game type seems inherently flawed. I especially don't like it being the mode selected for acquiring Legendary Marks, especially when you have to win, because the team that camps hardest is usually the winning team. Skill goes out the window for this game mode, unless we want to consider camping behind a box a skill

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