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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Edited by Psalm: 9/21/2015 6:20:38 AM
It was dark. Kabr slowly peeked his head out from behind the rocks that were concealing him. No sign of Praedyth, only the inevitable fate that lay before him. He counted 36 of them. "I won't go down without destroying as many as these monstrosities as I can," he thought to himself. He readied his weapon. Never had he grasped the handle as tightly as he did now. 3........ 2........... 1........... NOW! Kabr charged the unsuspecting vex at full speed he threw his magnetic grenade at the nearest Minotaur and watched it shatter into a heap of steaming metal. He destroyed three others with his hand cannon before placing his bubble down. The vex, now fully alert, charged inside. One after the other, Kabr beat down the goblins inside of his bubble, but there were too many for him to face alone. He knew he would soon be overwhelmed, so he sprinted out and looked for another spot he could take cover behind. He ran and ran but found nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Out of desperation and an acceptance for his fate, Kabr stopped running and turned around to face the corrupted machines that yearned for his destruction. As they came nearer he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was a harpie, no, it was a Gorgon. Kabr had only heard legends about these conscious machines, and how they could bend space and time to their will, destroying fireteams with a single glance. Almost impulsively he ran directly at the beast. Before it had time to react Kabr grabbed it and with all of his mighty strength ripped the machine in two. Suddenly, a blindingly bright light surrounded Kabr, blinding his vex foes. Kabr felt a rush of energy through his body, as if he had become one with the vault, meshing with time and space. When the light had gone Kabr no longer stood there. In his place was a shield........... [spoiler]the shield was the relic[/spoiler]

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