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originally posted in: Cyberpunk: An Open World RP
9/20/2015 10:35:03 PM
[b]the room is filled with four men who quickly draw their weapons to meet their attackers[/b] [b]zemael pinpoints two targets, one behind the other, and fires one shot into the skull into the one in front, the bullet passing through his into the one behind[/b]

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  • [b] Trinity charges quickly, jumping off a wall and slashing a mans throat, before sprinting at the last one and impaling him through the chest[/b]

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  • [b]Zemael looks around the room examining the corpses[/b] "None of these guys are him..." [b]he begins to check all of the room in the apartment[/b] "Found him!" [b]He yanks up some strung out addict from underneath a bed in one of the rooms[/b] "Thought you could hide huh? youre -blam!-ed Tezzy... you -blam!-ed up bad. Youre out here selling drugs that you stole from the family and you were already in debt to us! we gave you second chance and this is how you repay us!" [b]Zemael throws Tezzy into a wall and slowly walks up to him and kneels to look him in the face[/b] Tezzy- "Zem no, man! Dont do this! i swear I'll pay it all back! I swear! For -blam!-s sake!" [b]Zemael pops five pills and his hands are set alight as he grabs Tezz's head.[/b] "Shhhh Tezzy... Shhh be quiet.... it'll all be over soon." [b]Tezzy begins to scream from the flames that are consuming his face. he then proceeds to pop like a fat tick. spewing blood all over Zemael and the rest of the room[/b] [b]Zemael stands and looks you in the eye[/b] "Wanna search the place for anything valuable? i could use the cash and some pills..."

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  • "Sure." [b] She ransacks the room, checking dressers and drawers, pockets and boxes. She checks the dead guys Tac-Pads and comes up with 2,000 credits. She also manages to find 10 pills.[/b] "Here." [b] She tosses them to him.[/b]

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  • [b]He catches the pills that she tossed to him[/b] "Thanks, i hate having to use these damn things but they've done me more good than bad" [b]He checks tezzy's tac-pad and transfers 1500 credits to his own[/b] "Looks like the bastard just made a sale before we walked in... that must be who these corpses are." [b]he motions over to the other dead bodies[/b] [b]he inspects the corpses and manages to find 15 rounds of ammunition for his revolver.[/b] "Sweet, more money in my pocket for later. now i need to photograph the evidence of this guy's death... though i do suppose it'll be hard to tell either way.. oh well..." [b]he photographs the corpse of tezzy and sends it off.[/b] "Now if you'll follow me just a bit longer we'll get our paychecks. i enjoyed having you onboard. it's nice to have competent company..."

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  • "Mm." [b] She follows him.[/b]

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  • [b]They proceed to leave the apartment and make their way towards a bar that zemael always meets his bosses outside of.[/b] "You know, i never did ask you your name. Mine is Zemael Varick. Hitman for the mob amongst other things if need be. i dont usually go around telling everybody that but uhh i dont think youre going to go yammering to the police about any of this." [b]zemael pulls a scarf out of his pocket to wipe the blood off his face as they walk down the street. He proceeds to pull a wrapped lollipop out of his jacket pocket and sticks it into his mouth after unwrapping it.[/b] "Whats your name, darling?"

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  • "You seem like an okay guy. But don't call me darling. My names Trinity. Trinity Blade."

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  • "Alright alright. no pet names then" [b]he chuckled[/b] "But really? me? an okay guy?" [b]he let out another chuckle[/b] "Well this is our stop.... now all we gotta do is wait for the big shiny white limo to arrive and give us our due. it'll be transferred to me because i was the only authorized contractor here but no worries, you'll get your cut."

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  • [b] She nods.[/b]

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  • "Youre really quiet. any particular reason for that? Its not that i mind or anything it's just hard to tell what youre thinking.... though i suppose that may be intentional." [b]you both see a white limo making its way towards you.[/b]

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  • "Of course it's intentional." [b] she says before turning her attention to the limo.[/b]

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  • [b]the limo pulls up and and the very back window rolls down[/b] Boss- "You couldn't have left some part of him intact huh? it was such a -blam!-ing mess, i couldn't even identify his face... still well done. No cops and no casualties." [b]the white haired old man turns his gaze to you[/b] "Who the -blam!- is this?" "Oh, this is just an associate of mine. don't worry no squalers here. No she'll be fine." [b]his gaze meets mine once more[/b] "She better be fine zemael... she better be." [b]15k in credits is transferred to my account[ and the window rolls up/b] [b]the white limo slowly drives off[/b] "so uhh 7,500 each then? sound fair?"

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  • "Perfect." [b] She flashes an award winning smile before walking off.[/b] "I guess I'll see you around."

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  • "Hold up! Thats the first smile i've seen you wear all day...... looks good on you...." [b]winks as he begins to walk away[/b]

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  • ((The end))

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