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Edited by Comptonburger: 9/19/2015 9:18:48 PM

Locked Content Hypocrisy

If you like this post, please like it [url=]in the general Destiny forum[/url] as well. Get this shit trending. Prior to The Dark Below, [url=]DeeJ stated[/url] that players who chose not to "opt in" on the expansion would not be left behind. [quote]As the developer prepares for the rollout of expansion The Dark Below on December 9, Destiny community manager DeeJ took time to detail many of the upcoming changes, assuring players that "those who don’t opt in aren’t left behind."[/quote] Indeed, throughout The Dark Below and House of Wolves, players who did not purchase both of the expansions still had access to the full level cap, vendor gear, and all the activities that were released in vanilla Destiny, such as the Weekly Heroic and Nightfall, so long as they were not on new content that week. Now Bungie and DeeJ specifically have done a complete about-face and [url=]gone back on their word[/url]. [quote]If you don't buy the expansions you get left behind simple as that...[/quote] Players who have not purchased The Taken King are now locked out of countless activities that we paid for, and other content has been removed altogether. This includes: - Daily heroic - Weekly heroic - Weekly nightfall - Story missions with heroic modifier - Strike playlists above level 20 - Mode specific PVP playlists - Faction/vendor gear - Iron Banner - Trials of Osiris - Eris Morn bounties - Wolf bounties This sets an extremely bad precedent for Destiny. Bungievision has sold us access to content in the form of discs and downloads but wants to pretend that they sold us a subscription, where they can lock us out of the content that we paid for unless we continue to fork over cash. Many of us spent $100 or more and are left with a shell of a game now. There is no reason for the locking of many of these activities. PVP has normalized gear values and so it doesn't matter if you are 34 or 40, and yet they have still locked us out of numerous modes. Only one strike playlist is available now at level 20, far less than what was available before and well below the non TTK level cap of 34, making it boring and pointless. Speaking as a programmer, I can tell you that it would be all too easy to make most of this available to non TTK players, even Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner - World of Warcraft has had PVP tiers for ages. But Bungievision's clear goal is to force players to purchase their TTK expansion. I was on the fence about it but their decision to extort us resolved me not to. They set expectations that this content would remain available. They advertised this content. And then they removed it. For these reasons I personally have gotten refunds, and I encourage anybody else who has not purchased TTK and feels screwed over to do the same - as long as Bungievision decide to leave us behind. ---------------------------------------------------- Addressing common responses: [spoiler][quote]From a networking perspective, Bungie can't just "make separate endgame content for non-TTK owners" because it requires new severs to be built and the servers flow and control and maintenance would be incredibly expensive and time-consuming as compared to just having all servers upgraded to the newest content available.[/quote]Continuing to allow non-TTK players access to this content at the non-TTK level 34 cap does not require new servers. All content in Destiny is already instanced at different levels and offers different rewards. Strikes are a simple example. The same concept is easily applied to Weekly Heroics and Nightfalls, and even Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris. Furthermore, this doesn't even pertain to a lot of the content that has been locked. Gear and levels are normalized in regular PVP so there is no reason to remove playlists from non-TTK players. There is also no reason to remove heroic mode for story missions. [quote]It's unfair for you to expect to continue to use Bungie servers for free and get new content for free.[/quote]This is not about getting new content for free, it's about not being locked out of content we did pay for. Also, operating servers is not as expensive as you think, and other games are often just a one time payment that give you access to online play for years.[/spoiler] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links to the FTC and the BBB, courtesy of [url=]Hettar[/url]: [url][/url]

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  • Funny story: Remember those whiners Bungie locked out right after TTK landed , then the entire #feedback community said they'd sue and make Bungie bankrupt? Heh... didn't work. So the Communities' bond brothers are pretty angry they lost their content. They're leading a team to blow up Bungie's servers. Server goes... The entire game goes with it. You're going to make sure that doesn't happen.

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    4 Replies
    • Guess what [spoiler]no one cares[/spoiler]

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      • You would think they'd like more players in the game world, but they've effectively shrunk the game world to pre-TTK People and post-TTK people in shared activities/PvP. I don't see how this makes sense to them.

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      • Yep. Bungie went from a highly respected game company that released Halo - one of the most successful franchises of all time. To being money whores. I'm never gonna "throw money at my screen" for anything labeled "Bungie" or "Activision" ever again. I've never felt less important as a fan or customer. Bungie went from my favorite developer to one I'll never buy from again.

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        3 Replies
        • You didnt pay for "activities" its a feature of the game. When you first bought destiny you didnt even know there was a nightfall. Please whine more

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          6 Replies
          • Try to learn the differences between updates .5s minor updates and version updates 1.0, 2.0, 3.0.. HOW and TDB are just minor updates. Which can afford that access still. TTK is a complete overhaul of the game.

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          • That comment by Deej was referring to the Dark Below and How, not TTK. This is year 2. Many games in the market force you towards the newest version of the game if you want to continue accessing online features.

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            • Bumpfortruth

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            • Edited by GetWhippedHoe850: 9/19/2015 11:17:35 PM
              If you don't want to pay to play the new stuff on a game that's constantly changing and having to get new stuff then you should have just not even bought the game from the beginning. So tired of hearing people cry. Either buy the taken king or Find a new game. Anything you say is irrelevant to this. It's simple, buy the new stuff if you wanna continue to play.

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              10 Replies
              • Sad thing is they are shooting themselves in the foot... What normally happens, is people play it with out DLC.. They keep getting invites to raids etc they can't do. And eventually they by the DLC. Now there isn't a reason to even log on.

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                4 Replies
                • The more Bungie uses Blackmailing tactics to force me to buy DLC's the more resolved i become to do the opposite

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                  4 Replies
                  • The quote from DeeJ can technically be used as evidence for a claim on False Advertisement. I am sure many people are annoyed so just hire or crowdfund for a lawyer or something if you are really upset about it. Actually most firms give a preliminary view for free and considering Bungie and Activision have plenty of money, I bet you can find some lawyer willing to attempt to make a case out of it.

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                    • Bump. I bought this to see what the game was like. Ive been playing since the beta. I pre-ordered this game before they even announced what console it was gonna be on. And for the past year. I've been a game tester. In the truest sense. We played incomplete content, filed bug reports. Played updated integrations of the same game. Now the testings over, and the full game is out. And all our gear from our testing? Gone and worthless. Taken king is the last thing I'll ever buy from bungie. No one enjoys working their asses off, amassing a large collection then seeing its value become zero, and do nothing more than take up space; being flipped off and told to do it again.

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                      1 Reply
                      • It would be wise to walk away from these lying, deceitful clowns at Bungie/Activision. I doesn't matter what you're serving for dinner, if it's plated on a garbage can lid then it's unappetizing and your guest is gonna walk.

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                        2 Replies
                        • I believe the chance for Bungie to change has came and gone. They won't listen to what we have to say, so I've stopped trying. The only thing left to do is make them listen with our Wallets, THEN maybe they'll want to see what the community has to say.

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                          5 Replies
                          • Bump

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                          • Bump4truth!

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                          • Edited by 9000poundsofcain: 9/19/2015 4:49:57 PM
                            I love how he had the audacity to like a comment that said "if you don't buy the expansion you deserve to be left behind" what an utter c*nt. Also bump

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                          • Edited by Kagirinae: 9/21/2015 8:18:54 AM
                            Maybe Bungie is just focusing on their new content so much they don't have time to find ways to include players who chose to not purchase the taken King???? Like maybe it's on they're to do list but they still have other things above it. Just give it a few weeks and they'll fix it

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                          • Deej really strikes me as someone who knows very little about the workings of this company. Hes told what to know, so he can be prepared to unveil a dlc, but as to what the future of the comapany holds....very little. Hes paid to be the face. Thats all.

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                          • Bungie degraded the game for everyone who did not buy the first second or third DLC pack. Dec 2014, bungie reduced the max difficulty level of strikes and slashed the rewards removing all engram etc to make them next to worthless. Bungie also degraded access to the daily weekly and nighfall . From there things just got progressively worse so much so that almost every single vanilla player from 2014 left the game never to return. now in sept 2015 we are seeing the same thing happen, just scaled up in every way.

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                            • 1
                              Just thought I would add that ESO's The Imperial City DLC just dropped last week. It raised the level cap, and those who didn't buy it could still reach max level. Bethesda would have been a much better publisher choice for this game.

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                            • Get over it

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                              7 Replies
                              • I have stopped playing destiny all because there's nothing to do I can't use any new Weapons or gear I can't play rift which is really fun I can't do anything and when I get legendary armour or weapons I can't use them I can't level up either which is not fair for those people who don't want to buy the taken king I got the new sniper and fusion rifle and I can't use then which is just unfair it's annoying I can't use the new subclasses which is annoying bungee has really let some of the players of destiny down I'm not complaining I just think that it should be fair for other players to so something in destiny that's all

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                                • Bump

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                                  • Bump

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