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9/18/2015 6:07:14 PM
What I think? Like my college professor said, "Many people can't tell the difference between what is unfortunate, and what is unfair". It was fortunate for these people that----in Year One----Bungie bent over backwards to keep these non-paying individuals fully engaged in the community and end-game. Essentially GIVING away their product that they stated----time and again---was NOT part of the base game. It is UNFORTUNATE---at the start of Year Two----that this is on longer feasible, and Bungie has chosen not to continue it. If you think that what happened here was "unfair"? You've clearly never played any sort of subscritiption-based MMO or other on-line game....and seen what happens when you stop paying that sub fee. There is supporting people....and then there is just enabling their bad attitude and bad behavior.

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  • Edited by Sideswipe: 9/18/2015 10:44:33 PM
    Always love your responses, Kelly. Always, concise and easy to follow. I think people forget or don't seem to mind when other games do this. Examples: Try playing online features of Madden (or most sporting games) shortly after the latest one releases - can't do it. Can't even play a friend online. Those servers are reassigned to the newest version. Guitar Hero, same thing. Can't download any songs shortly after the latest release. People always seem to think Destiny is the only doing "anything unfavorable" when in reality they're doing what everyone else does...

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  • When did they ever state that? Nightfall came with the base game. One would think that would make it part of the base game, since, you know, it was part of it.

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  • I like your professor.

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  • This game is not a sub based MMO!!!!! You shouldn't be restricted from playing it just because you didn't pay their pseudo-subscription they marketed as a DLC!

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  • It is essentially a line of code to enable access to the level cap for all. How much work is that?

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  • It is not that simple though, it is not one line of code. It's a balance between players with and without the dark below. There is debugging and play testing to make sure there are no loop holes in the system. There is an issue of setting up a new match making system in regards to the crucible because of the now smaller player pool. What you are asking for is a bunch of work and a ton of money to be directed at people who are no longer supporting the project. There is never "just one line of code." There are consequences to every action and oppurtunity cost to said actions. Bungie chose to support continually paying customers instead of catering to people who are stagnant in the game. I for one support choosing progress.

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  • Ok, say I buy a Harmon GPS device and they suddenly stop GPS service on it? Kind of the same thing.

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  • It's not because most gps come with pre installed maps that require you to get a new one every 5 years-ish. You're right that they don't remove features but they also aren't connected to the internet. It would be comparing Destiny to an old snes game. Sure you can still play those games, but they aren't being updated in real time. An online game is significantly different from old video games or GPS for that matter. Apple's to online oranges really. And it's kind of bad analogy because gps and video games are very loosely connect. Gps only perform one function and never update. If you were talking about gps apps in your phone, they are paid through other means and therefore aren't connected to video games at all because Destiny is the product and not a platform to advertise on. Also, Harmon could stop giving service on your GPS at anytime because you bought the hardware, not the satlite network to run it. I don't know why they would, but they could.

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  • You don't think there would be a similar uproar if Garmin stopped providing the satellite service to a GPS unit three months after it was purchased without warning the customer that that would happen?

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  • But bungie warned everyone that all endgame content would be tied to light level not character level. It was right in front of everyones face, if you kept up on news and the live streams.

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  • There would be an uproar. It it doesn't mean they aren't in the right. Also, satilite privligaes are expsensives. If they go under or decide that they aren't making enough money to use them, should they be obligated to maintain a satlite connection to their units at further cost? And again, this situation is nothing like if Garmin took down the satalites because if gps lost signal than you lose all access. You still have access to all activities, just not with the same freedom.

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  • Edited by BK1223: 9/18/2015 10:04:54 PM
    Here's this semantics argument again. We do not have access to the same activities no matter how you word it. What if I bought HoW specifically for the high level strike playlist? Now I can't do it anymore. Yes the content is there but it's not really the same. I'm sure you'll find fault with this analogy as well, but it's like buying a sports car and the company releases new software for the on board computer as an upgrade, but I you don't buy it, they force an update that only allows your car 1/2 of the horsepower it's capable of. I am really not understanding why in the world anyone thinks what bungie did was right.

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  • Let me just say the reason I specifically see it as right is because it helps me. If they don't spend money on the vocal minority, the game will be better for the silent majority. Everything has an oppurtunity cost and what you are asking for takes away from what I received. Yes. I am being selfish but so are you. Luckily Bungie is legally in the right so we can move forward and the game can get better. Yes people will be mad, but it is a minority of people and a minority who aren't spending any more money anyways. The game will move on without them and it will be better off that. Sometimes the biggest cost of doing something is what you are not able to do with those resources.

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  • look at it like this, you agreed to the ToS and EULA the day you started playing destiny. in the ToS and Eula it states that you are buying a video game, you are buying a license to access their severs. You hold no right over the game at all, and they can change, add, suspend or remove any content they see if. So basically you might not agree it is right, but you agreed to let them do it.

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  • That's not the point. The point is what is the MARKET VALUE of that work. Its why Corporate CEOs get paid more than garbage men....even though the garbage men may actually work HARDER than the exec. The CEO gets paid more because his knowledge and skills are deemed to be more valuable in the marketplace. Bungie isn't you Mom or your Dad. They have NO obligation to nurture you. They are in a business to make money...and are free to charge WHATEVER the marketplace is willing to pay for their product. If you don't like it. Spend you money with Bungie's competitors.

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