Pretend your an insurance company for a second. Would you stop giving insurance to people that stop paying you? Of course, why should they get something they've stopped paying for? You're running a business, and the only thing that matters is money, not how much time they've spent using your insurance. Now imagine a small group of customers is calling your business a bunch of greedy douche bags for making them pay for something they want. You'd probably stop caring about them all-together because they're being a bunch of rude and entitled jerks over a simple business decision.
The same concept applies here.
He's probably a 12 year old that doesn't even know what an insurance company is. Don't try to argue with it. Lol
Using this analogy it's more like the insurance company completely overhauls the policy. Things that were covered all along are no longer covered, but now new things will be covered, but only if you pay an extra premium. So those that had renters insurance, and car insurance, and life insurance are told their policy has changed, they only cover life insurance now, but if they choose to pay an additional fee (an additional 40% of what they've already paid in) then they can get all of what they had, and add fire insurance, flood insurance, and health insurance. If they do not pay the fee the will never have what they used to covered, so those that don't want / can't afford / want to wait and see how those insurances work for others will never be able to get their renters insurance, car insurance, or health insurance back without paying a fee. Does that make any sense to you? I hope so since I used your own analogy