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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by DC_Rich: 10/27/2015 7:29:21 PM

The Taken King.... More like The Taken Kontent

Never have I played a game that removed content and put it all behind a paywall. This is a new low in the video game industry, and Activision and Bungie should be ashamed of themselves. I can no longer play the only things I enjoyed in the game, as they were all taken away. I was thinking about buying TTK, but couldn't afford it just yet. So, I figured I would just do weeklies, play control, do some higher level strike playlists, and maybe some Iron Banner when it drops. Well, can't do any of that now. As a result of this under-handed business tactic, I will not be purchasing TTK, as I cannot support developers who treat their customers this way. Now, before your even mention the EULA, know that there are consumer protection laws for some people, that prevent anyone from agreeing to an unfair contract, even if they previously accepted this agreement. And, I believe they are in violation of these LAWS, which the EULA is not. *EDIT: for those interested, I have filed formal complaints with the BBB, as well as the Washington State Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division. I guess we will see just how far Bungie is legally allowed to take things, and if they are legally in the wrong. As consumers, it is our right to complain of injustices, regardless of EULA's. Anyone refuting this fact is nothing short of ignorant. Now we will see what the law has to say. *Edit: it's amazing how toxic this community is. It seems there is no camaraderie in this community, and people just resort to personal attacks at the first sign of someone having a different opinion, or a genuine issue with the product. Bungie, in my opinion, made a shitty decision, and showed they don't care for anyone who does not purchase TTK, and all the fanboy's can't see past their blind love for the game. So I pose a question to everyone. Ignoring the EULA, what do you think of the way Bungie has handled this expansion roll-out with regards to those that have not purchased it? Put yourselves in their shoes, and give an honest answer. *Edit: For those that care, the BBB complaint has been processed, and Activision has until October 02, 2015 to respond. Apparently hundreds of people have filed complaints against Activision for various games, with amicable resolutions. There is hope. *Edit: just to clear a misunderstanding. I own the game and the first 2 expansions. I paid over $100 for all that just like everyone else. I don't want anything for free. I just want what I have always had... What everyone always had. *Edit: So, Activision responded to my complaint, and had the following to say: [quote]I understand your frustrations, I have dealt with other cases similar to yours. Unfortunately we are not in a situation to provide refunds or compensation. Unfortunately the only thing I am capable of doing for you is to pass along any feedback you might have. I do not know if this policy will change in the future. If there was more I could do, I would do it with no questions asked. For now if you have any more feedback please feel free to update this case along with your Gamertag/PSN ID. Thank you for your time and have a good day.[/quote] They assume that all I want is money. I just want the features back. I already responded to them, and the BBB case. It seems Activision really doesn't care to solve the issue... big surprise there. *Edit: For those that have not seen this. If Bungie is forced to do this, does that not mean their EULA was in violation of these customer's rights? They are forced to right a wrong, and have been given a reasonable window in which to address it. And yes, they are providing storage upgrades. [url][/url] *Edit: To all those following this, I have just received a response back from the Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division of Washington State. They have reviewed my complaint, and deemed it appropriate to move forward. Note, this is a law office deeming this a valid complaint regarding the Consumer Protection Act. So, if they see this as a valid complaint, what right does anyone else have to label this otherwise? They know the law better than you. *Edit: This may be my final edit. For those interested, it appears you can get a refund on your purchase by sending your disc into Activision, and requesting a refund. As per Bungie's EULA, if you do not agree with the terms therein, you are entitled to a refund. So, any guardians out there that don't agree with what happened, and would like a refund, just send your disc to Activision and request one. One final note, should you do this, Bungie will apparently delete your characters and Destiny account from their servers; you have been warned.

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  • I'm with you bro!! I will not buy TTK cuz of this bullshit. If they were upfront about being a subscription based game I'd buy but I'm sick of lies and bull shit

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  • I bought the limited edition on ps3 with the season pass. Then as I loved the game so damn much I bought a ps4 and destiny again. Then bungie decided I had to buy the game again to keep playing... It is just too much. I did love the game, but based on everything I have read of late, I just can't justify having this game anymore. I am about to delete my profile, and this app. I know u guys don't care and hope the door hits me on the way out, and that is fine, but just try looking at this without blinkers on. For the record, I am playing eso, a dlc just dropped and the game has remained completely unchanged for people without the dlc except for that specific content.

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  • [quote]Never have I played a game that removed content and put it all behind a paywall. This is a new low in the video game industry, and Activision and Bungie should be ashamed of themselves. I can no longer play the only things I enjoyed in the game, as they were all taken away. I was thinking about buying TTK, but couldn't afford it just yet. So, I figured I would just do weeklies, play control, do some higher level strike playlists, and maybe some Iron Banner when it drops. Well, can't do any of that now. As a result of this under-handed business tactic, I will not be purchasing TTK, as I cannot support developers who treat their customers this way. Now, before your even mention the EULA, know that there are consumer protection laws for some people, that prevent anyone from agreeing to an unfair contract, even if they previously accepted this agreement. And, I believe they are in violation of these LAWS, which the EULA is not. *EDIT: for those interested, I have filed formal complaints with the BBB, as well as the Washington State Attorney General's Office Consumer Protection Division. I guess we will see just how far Bungie is legally allowed to take things, and if they are legally in the wrong. As consumers, it is our right to complain of injustices, regardless of EULA's. Anyone refuting this fact is nothing short of ignorant. Now we will see what the law has to say. *Edit: it's amazing how toxic this community is. It seems there is no camaraderie in this community, and people just resort to personal attacks at the first sign of someone having a different opinion, or a genuine issue with the product. Bungie, in my opinion, made a shitty decision, and showed they don't care for anyone who does not purchase TTK, and all the fanboy's can't see past their blind love for the game. So I pose a question to everyone. Ignoring the EULA, what do you think of the way Bungie has handled this expansion roll-out with regards to those that have not purchased it? Put yourselves in their shoes, and give an honest answer.[/quote] Agreed. Contact psn, I did , we paid for dlc which is no longer viable. As I've said I wish anyone who's paid for ttk Godspeed , do cartwheels for months I hope so I do you've paid for it you guys do deserve it . For those of us , very few I'm sure who hate this daylight robbery we too would like to play what's been sold to us , but the content such as TOO has been cannibalised. The principled will not win this but sure feels righteous!.

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  • They handeled it the way every mmo has. Get over it.

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    2 Replies
    • when i layed the beta, i -blam!-ing loved it. then the base game came out and it was pretty broken thats for sure, from templar being pushed off to atheon getting his health reset, the the permadeop crota cheese and the sword despawning ect. i dont have much money right now and i am also not buying the taken king, i havent even played destiny since it dropped i have beeen getting back into borderlands and ill not be going back to destiny in a while. Good on you comerade!!! :)

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    • Jet fuel can't melt thick skulls

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    • Jet fuel can't melt plastic

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    • There are game genres that Destiny borrows certain mechanics from, but Destiny as a game model itself is a new, unfamiliar beast altogether. People flip out when you say MMO, yet they don't hesitate to compare Destiny to other games that in reality are outside of the whatever-you-want-to-classify-Destiny-as-being genre. Because it is a "shared world shooter," they have to decide where to draw the line in the sand on what is available to anyone versus what's exclusive to those purchasing DLCs. But it's not all about cutting content. It's how you define content. Daily/weekly/nightfall have always been end game/highest current level cap activities. You just no longer meet the requirements. You made an assumption that they would create two different level req. versions of these activities to accommodate you. You were wrong. Streamlining playlists in favor of TTK also makes room for whatever future content they have planned for year two. Sure, it nudges player to buy new content in the process. But what that means for profit also ensures the longevity of Destiny and their "10 year plan," while catering toward the people financially supporting that longevity. What these posts don't acknowledge is that with any other game, an entirely new disc would've been sold after a year and all support and the majority of the player base would be gone. This usually leaves a far inferior online experience than the one that's maintained in Destiny by people purchasing the taken king, supporting continued development of the game while populating the vanilla game space as well. TL;DR: Your line of reasoning boils down to this: the guy at a busy restaurant who just orders a coffee, stays for hours on end and then wants to complain about getting second rate service.

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      • Lmao this guy though!! Funniest guy on the forums

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        • That title made me cringe. Are you guys even trying anymore?

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        • Wow

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        • If I am not mistaken, when house of wolves and dark below released... didn't they cater the weekly's to the dlc for a week or two?

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        • Fuk off kunt. Don't like it don't play it, do like it THEN BLOODY BUY IT.

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        • It's the same with any mmo, and that is the difference of mmos and regular games. And make no mistake, Destiny is an MMO. Go over to blizzards forums and try that argument, see how well it stacks up.

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          11 Replies
          • Bump

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          • Don't even try to make a thread that against destiny. All the destiny fanboys will fight you to the death even if they're dead wrong and use the typical "go play a different game" or "you can't afford ttk cause you're poor"

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          • I've already bought TTK and loving it. In my opinion LvL 40 should be applied in Y1 and Y2 players across the board. This way you keep the base unified. It worked on DB and HoW. Why did Bungie took a different approach with TTK is a bit shady. On the other hand if you are invested on keeping up with the game it's price tag is fair this time around. Peace...

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            • I wonder how much the officials laughed as they shredded your dumbass complaint. You had no content taken, you lost features because you can't go past level 34. You can still play all the same payrols, levels, strikes, raids, crucible maps and game types. Go whine somewhere else.

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              • While i can see where people who have not got TTK are coming from it would be annoying to any TTK customer if the base game got content they paid for for free. I would say you are allowed iron banner but the fact that non TTK players have such a disadvantage in light and level i don't think it would be a good idea as people would probably complain more than they are already doing so. As a TTK purchaser i feel that it is necessary for bungie to do these actions so that the game can leave behind the atrocity it was on launch (i still played it loads but nobody can defend its state on launch). If we want a game to progress over the years the old content needs to be updated so that it is still relevant. Otherwise we might as well just buy the second instalment of the game. The forum community is toxic but in-game most people are lovely :)

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              • Of course you're upset, but don't expect much sympathy. Destiny got an overhaul that changed the way a lot of things work. The level cap and new leveling system is part of the DLC, which Borderlands 2 did. They raised the Nightfall level cap to reflect this. The Crucible had a preview, as was clearly stated, and ended when TTK dropped. Because of the increase in level cap, modes where the level advantages were enabled became locked to non-TTK players. Otherwise, there would be a huge disadvantage in IB and ToO. The new gear is also level specific, locking a large amount of it from your use. Everything that you are not able to access is mostly because of the new leveling system, which we were lucky came free with the last two DLC.

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                • 1
                  It's like Apple and any other major great company. You think they don't have a iphone 63 in development yet? And are just making shit ton of money from 1-62 because people will buy it.

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                • At the best it's blackmailing their customers and is anti consumer. At the worst it's criminal. They've lost me as a customer, i cant back a company like this.

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                  34 Replies
                  • Lel

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                  • And mute

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                  • If you can't afford ttk you have more things to worry about than destiny.

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                    • Honestly, I'm glad they took this approach. Everything in Y1 was basically given out. All the activities were under leveled except CE and PoE. Destiny is not your normal game, it's a live game with several elements. Once you play TTK, you will see why all the changes were made. It feels like a completely different game now. Trust me, they got several things right with this one!

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