No you didn't. You bought the strikes, maps, and wepons. Now there's new end game strikes, maps and wepons so you need those to play end game. Its actually quiet simple.
Oh and get bungies dick out your mouth lol
- must not be a day one player. Peace
Not a day one player? Bitch I pre order the -blam!-ing game months in advance. Ive played every bungie game since marathon so yeah their dick is far in my mouth and I'm loving it. Dumb-blam!-
You need a woman getting that sensitive over a video game
- are a special kind of idiott. Glad I don't have to deal with you Irl, your neck would be on my knees otherwise.
Oh ok,still need a woman tho....
Ok kido
Adult with a fiancé good job and a great relationship with the people around me,far from a kiddo. Well I gotta go now,good talking with Ya.Have fun being a video game forum thug with no woman all day....goodbye
Edited by cjpinto47: 9/16/2015 1:51:19 PMOh really? Why is so hard to believe that. Your responses don't indicate a mature individual with a successful relationship It's more like a pre teen with confidence issues. Imma go with the later as it's more believable. See you kiddo have fun at high-school!!