Hey guys, hope yall are all enjoying the TTK crucible preview, just over an hour till it drops, HYPEEEE!!
Anyway, finally got around to trying the new crucible stuff a bit ago and I tried out that new TTK clash playlist called mayhem, but I played one game and it somehow ended up incredibly bugged. I mean totally broken bugged... It started like a normal clash game but then within about 30 seconds I realized the game had glitched and everything in the game seemed accelerated. I mean my super was charging ridiculously fast, grenade/melee cool downs were almost non existent, and heavy was spawning wayyyy too soon and frequently. It was ridiculous because you couldn't turn a corner without getting supered, golden guns were really taking advantage..
I know that sounds crazy, if I had the ability to take game footage I would to prove it, but has anyone else had that bug? I can't have been the only one, on that note BUNGIE PLEASE BE SURE TO LOOK INTO IT AND FIX IT BEFORE TTK DROPS (like.. An hour from now loll)! I'd hate to see this update come out and totally break the crucible.
Bump this so they see it please!
Bump! Fix it!