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9/13/2015 10:11:00 AM

The ups and downs of the Ghost voice

Check it out Guardians, we all have a love/hate relationship with the Voice of the Ghost. Whether it be Peter Dinklage's lackluster performance, or Nolan North's less than epic re reading of certain lines. Now we can all agree, certain lines that Dinklebot had were spot on in our eyes, and Nolandroid did not quite come through, but which lines are these? Can we get them changed? If we put forward the correct foot, be polite and not angry, maybe just maybe, we can get Nolan back in the studio to record some new versions of his lines. So here is your task, as a player and a Guardian. Tell me anywhere from your top 5 to top 10 lines that you did not like, whether they be a redo, or a new line, but this is IMPORTANT tell me (nicely) WHY its not quite right. Please note that if you cannot be kind i will report you, naysayers and angry responses do nothing to support a cause. (If you do not have anything nice to say do not say it) Ready Guardians ...........GO

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