What kind of stuff are you talking about (you can pm me btw, in case you don't like talking in questions or just want to talk alone)? Depending on what it is, wouldn't that depend on how much you should trust him?
Yes unless there's something you wanna talk about?
I don't know, do you think I have anything to talk about given my last comment?
I don't know, do you? Am I just missing the point, and sounding stupid, asking if you have a problem you want to talk about? [spoiler]Sorry if the way I worded that sounded mean, it wasn't supposed to be. [/spoiler]
Nah, you are fine, tbh I do have problems, but as we said earlier there are some things you just don't tell people, right :/ ? Why don't you tell me what you want to talk about and we can talk about that?
What would be an interesting thing to talk about instead of the depressing sad ones?
Hahaha, well you could tell me a little bit about what you are like irl, and then I could reciprocate, would that interest you?
Yea if ya want? I have OCD, does that count or is it too personal? Either way, should I care, even if it IS, over the internet?
No that's perfect, what do you mean when you say should you care even if it IS, over the internet?
Well, should I care if people see this?
Isn't that up for you to decide? As I've said before, don't you always have the option of pm if either of us get uncomfortable sharing over open internet?