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9/13/2015 8:30:47 PM
oh cool, i get a chance to educumacate you. :) so time 'stops being a factor' in certain instances in our existing universe in such cases as black holes in which matter, energy, space and time reach a point of infinite density and the phenomenon we recognize as time ceases to exist within. this is the case with most quantum physics when you reach a small enough scale and it is one of the foremost limitations to using math and science to describe our universe. because we are created in a macro world, we are designed to understand it with very strict perceptions. these perceptions of how things are work great on our scale. i know how to climb a tree for food, i can calculate when to throw a ball as to hit a moving target. but these perceptions fail us when we delve deeper into the inner workings of the universe. im talking about crazy shit like dark energy, quantum tunneling, the electromagnetic spectrum. all these things are causing our world to behave the way it does even though every single one of them goes against everything we thought was possible. but this part of our debate i find particularly interesting. so wolf eats bunny=hostile rock falls on bunny=not hostile so you seem to be basing your argument on the idea that wolves have intent. the rock didnt intend to kill the bunny, it just did, inanimate, right? but this is where you paint yourself into a corner, where do you draw the line? jellyfish dont have brains, are they being hostile when they sting me? are bacteria being hostile to me even though they couldnt possibly even be aware of my existence? how bout viruses? they're described in biology as mechanical, like an inanimate machine. see humans are the only ones given a conscious to know the difference between right and wrong. everything else is just a matter of physics. just a long line of cause and effect. the wolf isnt animate because he had as much choice to kill the bunny as the rock did! (i hate how this thread keeps getting blocked)

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