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originally posted in: LEGALIZE MARIJUANA
9/13/2015 2:31:08 AM
I'm currently dating this chick that smokes constantly and I never smoked before and it's not because I have been able to, it's because I'm studying to be a physician. I started dating this girl because she's hot and I decided to give it a try and I can tell you weed does impair cognitive function. It's nearly impossible to hold an intelligent conversation with her because she forgets what we're talking about half way through. Anything we do is instantly forgotten the next day. I've talked to her about this and she swears she doesn't remember the things we do or talk about. I've asked her if she suffers from short-term memory loss and she claims that she doesn't. Nonetheless It is suspicious that the first girl I date that smokes on a daily basis is slow in the situations I've mentioned

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  • The mental and physical effects of Marijuana vary greatly from person to person. I know people that absolutely can not function at all when high even when building up a stronger tolerance as well as people who are daily smokers that you can't even tell are high because that's how regularly they get high and have no noticeable side effects cognitively. I believe that Marijuana enhances conditions that people are prone to that pertain to its effects. For example, if you're normally a lazy person, smoking regularly or excessively will cause you to be a lot more lazy than you are used to. If you are forgetful, then too much consumption will cause you to be a lot more forgetful. I even have a friend who I believe was prone to schizophrenia who started smoking A LOT and along with other environmental factors caused early stage symptoms of schizophrenia to surface. Personally, I smoke concentrates on a near daily basis and cut down when I feel I've been smoking too much because too much of anything is not good for you. Marijuana isn't for everyone but it's medical uses can't be denied and I'm happy I can smoke without serious problems health wise. (Also if you're underage and reading this, my advice to you is to not smoke at all. Like i said, it's not for everyone and it can be an expensive habit) I know I wrote a whole essay on this but I'm bored at work and waiting to go home to catch the boxing match and play some Destiny lol. Peace out

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  • I'm with thatgotdude14 I think your girlfriend is just a dumb thot I smoke daily and I can hold normal conversations, go to work, drive remember things it's really not hard

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  • She's got a 4.0 gpa in the community college she goes to. I have no idea how she can be smart in school,but be so....unaware in her life

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  • Book smart and being smart are different things

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  • I is kind of hard to argue about weed with someone who is biased towards it

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  • Only if your a rookie smoker if you smoked every day it wouldn't really do anything to you

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  • Well I must agree that it is strange I see as no more than a coincidence. I smoke daily and I prefer to have intelligent conversations. While I might have to take a second to recollect previous happenings, I never forgot them. I think it's possible that she's just ditsy.

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  • It does take her a long time to remember things. Like a good 5 minutes and I have to feed her information about the day or event she's trying to remember

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  • Yeah I feel like that's more of a "her" issue because I never have to have people feed me info to remember what our conversation was about. Now I might forget what I had for lunch, but I'm not gonna trail off mid conversation. Even if I'm high I can still hold a pretty decent discussion, I just end up saying "uh" and "like" a little too much.

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  • I don't expect her to remember what you had for lunch. I'll be honest I forget that too sometimes, but it's just annoying how bad it is. She does really well at the community college she goes to

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  • It sounds like she just smokes too much, when I smoked I never forgot anything just because I was high

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  • Is she blonde?

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  • She's brunette

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  • That was a joke, and it backfired. You said you are dating her because she is hot? Well then I feel sorry for her to have a snake in the grass boyfriend. Just another doucher in the world. *sigh*

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  • She's not the type of personality I would usually go for, but she is hot I won't lie. Don't act like you wouldn't go for a hot girl because you're "above that" and if all I wanted was sex from her then I wouldn't be complaining about how she can't hold conversations now would I? I wouldn't give a -blam!- if she could talk to me or not if it was just sex. I'm sorry, but your comment makes you sound like you don't practice what you preach

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