The second you said "reaching" back to my halo days I clicked on the vid. The pun was to good :P
Considering there is two montage makers here, anyone interested in sorting out my clips to make it look good? I can't pay but you get credit xD
Lol honestly right now I'm to busy with classes and sorting out stuff before ttk to start another but sometime in the future maybe :/
I am aswell or I'd try xD. Worth a shot!
Ha you are only the 2nd person to catch that. Or at least comment on it.
Lol. [spoiler]From an editor to you[/spoiler] I really liked the syncing and blurs. ☺
Thanks dude.. You do any montages?
I've screwed around in the past but lost my stuff when I got a new computer. Working on one right now for a friend but he's still in the process of getting clips :P
Sweet. They are fun to do and kinda of challenging IMO. It's tough to find a balance between editing it in a way that doesn't take away from the actually clips bit enhances them. What software do you use?
I use Sony Vegas pro 13. I love finishing them and watching them back and just saying to yourself "I did that" :P
Aha yeah it is cool. I always get hyped after watching them and makes me wanna go play and make more clips
That's my problem. I stink at crucible so I gotta wait for people to hit me up with the clips I need >.> Its still the best feeling doe.
Ha I feel that