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9/11/2015 12:41:14 PM
so we agree, you offer nothing but unfounded criticism for other peoples ideas while supplying no substituting explanations. So a hundred and fifty years ago you were the guy saying 'its not evolution, i dont know what it is, but i know it aint that!' alright thank you for your time, now i believe you're needed in rome to tell them its not the lead in the water making everybody crazy. if you only came here to say that your limited idea of a god must abide by the laws of a universe he has yet to create then you have succeeded in your great deed. im sure we are all impressed by how many times you repeated yourself even though it didnt make sense the first time. but i cant help myself, let me just lay it out one more time for posterity. 1. we know the universe had a beginning (according to our specific perspective of time) 2. we know that the laws of physics governing the operations of this universe break down and become meaningless as you approach this point. 3. ANY theory regarding this point or beyond would not be testable or falsifiable, just pure belief 4. ANY theory regarding the singularity itself would not be expressed in any recognizable mathematical language that exists today (our current understanding of math doesnt work) so it becomes clear that science can never have a better theory than religion (because science cant probe non existence) all they can do is steal religious ideas and slap a new name on it. Multiverse, infinite came from no where, cant see it. great ideas guys Our universe popped from nothing. how? why? this is really the kind of stuff they talk about. its embarrassing. And that whoever it was that created the universe, according to all physicists ever, would not be bound by the rules, laws, and logic of the universe he is bound to create. (because it is plain and clear that the laws that determine our logic do not exist prior to our universe) and thus would not require an infinite regression (like it would using the laws of our universe, which HE ISNT)

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