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9/8/2015 12:35:45 PM

Random opinions from a scrub. [With the music I listened to while typing this =) ]

Stop these pointless blogs, scrub .-.


I don't care. Just don't take my orange juice c:


No, We need you, you silly fuzzbutt.(0Votes)


[POLL QUESTIONS IS: Should I stop? ] Eh, I still like Destiny. You guys can hate it all you want, simply because it isn't what was promised. However, we can not discount anything that is good. All gamers seem to do these days is whine about things not being what they 'wanted' Like many will say, BF:Hardline sucked, however, I can disagree. Sure, there were MANY differences made after the Beta ended, but it was different. Others can make the same argument about SMITE, As it has been labelled a 'Repeat game-play' game. However, I still enjoy it tons! (And we all CLEARLY know I am the best Bastet around ouo) Anywho, back to Destiny. Yeah, sure, it's got a LOT of Grinding, but to be 100% fair, so does EVERY MMO(Though Bungie claims this isn't, so let's just say)-Online game with a level system, loot, and bosses, and a lot of players. :L It's honestly nothing to rustle your jimmies over. I will admit, they did COMPLETELY screw over any year one players. I paid 60 dollars at 10:00PM Mountain standard time (All midnight releases are 10PM for me c: ) And forty dollars for the DLCs, The dark below, and The house of wolves. Plus ANOTHER forty for the Taken king. Yet, some kid just starting, gets to buy all of that for only Sixty dollars. I do find that VERY messed up. As it remains, I am neutral in this topic. While yet, you all can complain that it was a bad game, don't forget to respect those with a differing opinion. If your opinion clashes with the poster's, simply do NOT post on their comment. It's easy as that. I mean c'mon guys, I could be that guy, go around on EVERY post when someone asks to play a game I think is bad (The word being 'I' stating my opinion will always be bias towards it, and not truthful.) And say how bad I think it is. Honestly, that would just be annoying for everyone. I play a LOT of games people don't much like, or know of Cx Though for some ungodly reason... MMOre Goatz Simulator has called to me Dx Someone help! Anywho. I like Destiny, and honestly, seeing the live streams, they did OVERHAUL the game. Which To be honest, it's about dang time. #YearOnePlebHere. You all have a pleasant time, and don't listen to my rambling. -Malamute Out ovo P.S. Stop the hate, ye console peasants. Join the glorious..awful,horrid PCmaster race! (Kidding, please don't fire me ;w; )

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