He didn't hear everything that happened outside just alot of yelling. Mainly he heard everything that was said inside which is why he was freaking out. I took my headset off so once things started escalating and he was wondering what was going on I couldn't answer him since I was busy outside.
Then your story doesnt apply to this topic
Lol okay I will play along buddy. How doesn't it, he heard a friend yelling to me that something was happening, me yelling wtf, my friend then yelling to grab a gun. All heard over a mic before I went outside, I went on to explain why that all happened by saying what happened outside so that people could get a full picture of everything. Please though how does this not apply to the topic of best/worst thing heard over a mic? I would like to understand.
OK OK dont get your panties in a bunch. It was a simple question
Lol yep followed by a statement that I addressed. Nice troll attempt though which is why I said I would "play along" this is hilarious honestly please continue.
..I stopped reading after "lol"