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Edited by DarthBrando: 9/7/2015 3:27:12 AM
Yes the halos COVER larger area: 9.117x10^16 LIGHT YEARS (if there are 17 halos in the array network) The galaxy is only 4.98 x10^10 light years So yea larger AREA The biomass of the FULL galaxy (life forms larger than 1millimeter) DOESNT exceed 6.39x10^20 METRIC TONS (mass of MARS) There fore LESS energy is NEEDED to cover the LARGER AREA regarding the HALO NETWORK because LESS MASS IS DESTROYED BY THE REACTION! Its like a SPOT LIGHT vs a HIGH ENERGY LASER of the SAME POWER. The spotlight blankets LARGER AREA [b][i][u]EXPONENTIALLY[/u][/i][/b] vs laser pointer. YET they both use the SAME amount of power. WITH Halo vs Death Star; THE DEATH STAR annihilates MORE MASS with the reaction produced from the super laser Vs HALO NETWORK wiping out ALL LIFE. E= mc^2 [b][i][u]THE MORE MASS YOU DESTROY THE MORE ENERGY YOU REQUIRE PERIOD![/u][/i][/b] And this is because in galaxies LIFE FORMS are the least abundant form of mass and THE LEAST DENSE (lowest density)

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