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9/6/2015 4:15:50 PM
[quote]Okay, how about this? Science describes the natural world, and does not explain it. Religion explains purpose and being, and the supernatural.[/quote] Uh, yes, science does explain the natural world. You're an idiot if you think it doesn't. It explains [i]how[/i] life evolved. It explains [i]how[/i] particles behave. I have no idea what the -blam!- you're talking about. Religion attempts to explain that, but all it has are uneducated guesses. The problem with religion is that it starts with a conclusion (God is real) and works backwords, trying to find evidence for their conclusion, while ignoring evidence against them. Plus, the supernatural doesn't exist. Use your brain, kid. [quote] Religion is belief. If you can prove that a God exists, there is no religion. Then, you are following a being that is within our mortal realm. [/quote] Wrong again. You think that if people found out that God was real, they'd stop going to church, stop praying, stop reading the Bible and living by its teachings? Moron. [quote]And lastly, you have said that "Religion is a cancer that can only be purged by eradication." First off, you seem to bash Christianity and nothing else. You say religion as a whole, yet you only focus on a portion of it. If it's a cancer, cut the whole tumor out, not a small section. And you bring up Christianity doing horrible things, name something horrible that Christianity has done in the last ten years. The Westboros don't count, since I think any Christian with half a brain can realize those are extremists.[/quote] 1) None of that is relevant to the OP. 2) I only bash christianity on this site, because 95% of religious people on here are christians. Why would I preach to Muslims here when there are next to none who would hear my message? 3) The WBC are still christians, whether you like it or not. You're committing a "No True Scotsman" fallacy right there. 4) Why only within the last 10 years? Christians have been doing horrible shit since the religion was founded. The main thing you idiots have been doing recently is discriminating against gays, forcing your beliefs on them, and not treating them as equals. [quote][spoiler]Let's see how he responds to me tugging on his fishing hook. [/spoiler][/quote] I responded by destroying you.

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