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9/6/2015 1:38:46 PM
Couple of things: Regarding the VOG and "better damaging weapons" part. If you run any PvE activity and outrank it by over 5 (or 10) your overall damage and stats are cut. This is shown by going back to earth and doing the strike. No 1 shots and no invincibility. Technically, depending, the VOG weaponry may be on par with the big guns we are going to get, under given situations. Next, I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with your points. I am merely going to make the same statement I make on all of these kinds of posts: If Bungie wanted to, TTK could have [b]been a new game altogether.[/b] Meaning they didn't have to allow our rank, current gear, progress, etc carry over. COD doesn't, Halo doesn't, why should Destiny? Because they respect your progress. So what if a year of legendaries doesn't carry over. People were pissed when Crota gear bypassed VOG gear much the same way as they are now. Be glad for everything that does and not being forced to hit the reset button. Think on the other side of the fence, you would be surprised what you may figure out if you look at both sides and learn to let go. You seriously didn't expect to carry the same gun for the full 10yr contract did you?

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  • So we should be grateful they're not screwing us as bad as they could? Yeah ok. Let's not pretend that's respect though.

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  • Well the reason Bungie did not just end Destiny and make a Destiny 2, like Halo or CoD, is because the whole concept and long term plan for Destiny was a game in which players are able to continually build upon a Legend that they create, and this Legend is intended to persist throughout the lifespan of the game. That is how the game was pitched from the beginning. So now when they start taking bits and pieces away from the Legend we are creating, it's going to piss many people off. So get off your condescending high horse.

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  • Exactly, continue to build on it. When building a house, you don't take the bottom layer of bricks out to make the top near the roof. You get nowhere, the cycle repeats. People need to understand that. And please inform me where I implied anywhere that I am higher than the rest of the people here. I am simply giving my opinion like anyone else, and defending my points logically.

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  • Your house analogy is not good. Our arsenal should be expanding, with our legend. A better house analogy is if you build additions to your house it doesn't mean you have to necessarily destroy other rooms in the process... you just add to them. The house gets bigger. Your opinion is saying basically that in order to add a new room to your house, you have to tear down an old one. In the end, your house is always the same size, while the rooms just keep changing shape. Just because you add an additional room doesn't mean you have to abandon and tear down another. It's about making the house bigger and better. And adding more choices. What they are doing is basically destroying our old weapons and simply forcing us to replace them with new options that they deem useable. We better get another fusion auto rifle like Vex. There is no other weapon like it in the game. It's a fun and unique option to use. No good reason why just because they give us new options, that the old ones need to become obsolete. Why not have several weapons from all stages of the game's evolution to choose from? Why is this a bad thing? Let us decide IF we want to abandon our old weapons WHEN we find suitable replacements. Don't just yank them from us and force us to find other things that we may or may not like instead. Let us judge the new weapons worthy or not. If you are sick of all guns in your current arsenal, that's fine for you. It doesn't bother me. It's your choice. If you feel you need to dismantle your Thorn, Vex, Ice breaker, Black Hammer, Fatebringer, Gjallarhorn, Mida Multi tool... In order to want to use new weapons... That's fine. That's your choice. For me, I'd be perfectly happy carrying my Vex alongside any new Omolon or Hakke weapon... No reason I shouldn't be able to. And my Vex should be allowed to be continuously upgraded to keep it on par with whatever new weapons I decide to keep and enjoy. It's really nothing for you to argue about. It's a simple thing that won't affect you or your game in the least. I don't feel I need to ditch my old favorites in order to enjoy new ones. I can enjoy them all. And you can't argue that it will in PvP, because we can still use any weapon in there anyway.., Thorn included.

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  • If I want to carry the same gun for 10 years, that should be my choice. If I play the game for 10 years, it means I'm paying them for all the expansions, so why should they care?? They get their money, and I play their game and enjoy it. Bottom line. My choices are mine, and should not be dictated.

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  • Life dictates how you live. You don't choose not to jump off a cliff. The law dictates how you live your life. Your parents dictated you when you were a child. Your boss dictates you at work. "My choices are mine and should not be dictated." Sorry, but that has been denied to you since birth. This is no different, respect it as you did all of the above and move on.

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  • So because some things are dictated, everything should be? Holy shit what is wrong with you?

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  • Yes I choose to not jump off a cliff. I choose to not walk into traffic. I choose to play Destiny or not. I choose to keep my job or not. I choose everything I do. I choose to respond to your idiotic post.

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  • Omg. Are we going to get into a determinism vs freewill philosophical debate? Ok... We are faced every day with the choice to continue living or dying. My will to live keeps me going. My environment presents me with obstacles and challenges that I navigate at every moment with my free will. Bungie is presenting me with an obstacle to enjoying the game Destiny. I am exercising my will to influence change in my favor by posting my feedback in this forum. Bungie can choose to read it or not, and act on it or not. That is all that is happening here.

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  • Edited by ZDragonLord X: 9/7/2015 1:22:15 AM
    The issue is progress. For some reason people think that progress automatically means everything stays the same but gets better. Sorry, doesn't work that way. Progress takes what is current, changes it, deletes that, and upgrades what it used to be. For example, road expansion. It hinders driving/traffic, and is annoying but people go through it anyway. They tear up the old road, put new tat and such down and make it larger. You don't have a half and half road, half old and outdated and half new and smooth. It looks lazy and crappy. Same goes with games. Very few games that continue into a second year are the exact same thing with a few new tweaks. To change this, Bungie is adding new content and leaving behind old, much like the road. People hate it in progress, hate the annoyance, but appreciate the end result the same.

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  • Poor analogy once again. If you want to talk roads... The proper analogy is that we have roads that define paths to and from places we need to go. Progress does not change the path, and replace it with a new route. Progress embraces the route and expands it, taking it from a dirt trail, to a gravel road, to a paved road to a multi lane road... So more and more vehicles can use the road without being mired in traffic jams. Then progress adds stops along the path... Places for food, for gas... Things to make the road more useful for us. Things to make it better. Your analogy is basically that in order to make a road better, you have to abandon it entirely and make a new road somewhere else.

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  • Wrong. Progress means not only change, but change for the better. Change for the sake of change isn't progress.

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  • [quote]Wrong. Progress means not only change, but change for the better. Change for the sake of change isn't progress.[/quote] Please show me a list of every new weapon that you confirmed to be better than the current stuff. You can't because it's not out yet. Don't insist something you have no info on. And yes, I for one am glad they don't reset everything. Destiny is one of the ~5% total console series games that allow players to do so. God, way to find the very worst in a good situation on that one.

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  • We've seen plenty that aren't better than the old stuff. We've seen nothing to indicate, and no reason to believe from the past, that what comes will be even as good.

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  • [quote]We've seen plenty that aren't better than the old stuff. We've seen nothing to indicate, and no reason to believe from the past, that what comes will be even as good.[/quote] But you still have no way to tell for sure. Swords are a thing, and Hive blades are fairly good. The few exotics they have shown have been interesting to say the least. Problem is people's standards are too high. Yeah the VOG gear kicks ass, will I be sad to see confluence go? Sure, but I'm not b*ing and whining about it.

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  • Yea, dude you are arguing to argue. Your points make no sense. You aren't using logic, you are twisting and creating convoluted examples to support your defensive stance. All we are saying is let us decide when we want to abandon our old favorite gear. We are saying we want to have solid proof of the "greatness" of the new stuff in our hands before we make our decision. I want to see and feel a new weapon that kicks ass over my Vex or my Thorn (and I'm not talking in PvP). Let me be the judge. I will gladly drop any old gear in favor of new if it is worthy... I do it all the time. But so far, ALL the new weapons with each expansion have been incrementally worse than those that preceded them. So based on this, I am not convinced that they will make anything as amazing or fun as say, a Vex Mythoclast... If the new gear is going to be so amazing, they shouldn't have to freeze all the older stuff... We will all naturally gravitate to the new if it clearly outshines the old. The fact that they are forcing this on us kind of days one thing... They are afraid that nothing they have made will be as good as the original stuff.

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  • Oh so you don't actually have anything to add but "stop complaining about things you don't like!" Got it!

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  • You lost me at "Bungie respects our progress." Sorry, mate.

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  • And you lost me at your incredibly bias, one sided views. I only replied to make a point that not everyone hates the game. People forget Bungie is not in control of Destiny. Learn to see two sides of the world or all you will ever see is hatred.

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  • I've seen your side and found it to be wrong. Sorry. I'd say that sounds like a personal problem if you can't accept that.

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  • Exercising ones own right to voice opinions is not equating to hatred. Hatred is disrespecting others opinions in favor of your own,

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  • Seeing the world from one selfish perspective is. Voicing an opinion is fine so long as you have proper support to go with it. He simply said "I was too bias to read past that" and left it there. No support, just a flat disregard.

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  • You're not the first to try pitching that argument. I've shot it down too many times and they either ignored my responses or just kept repeating themselves over and over again instead of having an actual debate/discussion over it. And those who did take it seriously ended up agreeing with me anyways in the end because in reality, I've already subjected my own argument to detailed scrutiny to create a solid, airtight case that simply can't be disputed. I've lost the desire to continue repeating myself, is all. Don't take it personally. If you had said all this while I was still caring enough to engage others in debate I'm sure we might have had a halfway decent discussion.

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  • Fanboi

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