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9/6/2015 2:24:44 AM
[quote]Lately, I've been seeing tons of illogical arguments that christians have been trying to use to prove the existence of God. I haven't seen one valid argument for God, and I'm getting quite tired of destroying the same feeble arguments over and over again, so I thought I'd take the most common ones and take them apart, so that you people can finally stop using them. [quote][i]You can't prove that God isn't real. [/i][/quote] This is a logical fallacy. The burden of proof lies on the person claiming the positive (religious people), not us. If you believe God is real, it's your job to provide evidence. Furthermore, we also can't prove that there isn't a magic green monkey flying around Jupiter, but that isn't a valid reason to believe he's there. [quote][i]The Bible is proof of God[/i][/quote] No. Just, no. Anyone who uses a Bible verse to support the existence of God is insane. That's like saying that a Spider-Man comic is proof of spider man. [quote][i]Do you really think that all life could have arisen from a series of coincidences?[/i][/quote] Anyone who says this needs to do a bit more research. Yes, there were many requirements for life to arise on earth, but you're not considering how large the universe is, and how many times shit has gone wrong. Statistically speaking, the natural evolution of life on earth is very possible, and there is almost certainly other life out there. [quote][i]Well, science doesn't fully understand 'X' yet, therefore God must have done it.[/i][/quote] Just because we don't understand something yet doesn't mean we won't in the future, and to instantly assume that everything is Gods work is a very closed-minded way of looking at things. These are only a few of the arguments that I can remember off the top of my head, but I know I'm missing a ton. Post them below, and I'll destroy them and add them to the OP. Help me spread education and awareness to Offtopic, one post at a time. Purse, out.[/quote]

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