Hello guardians! Been around since the beta and love playing destiny on xbox one. You can currently find me trying to get my last 25 grimoire in rumble and salvage. I have around a 1.2 kd in crucible mainly because I play solo and have fun with random set ups. I'm and avid raider that enjoys the endgame and do all I can each week.
I'm looking for a fun group that is good at PvE and PvP. I like to have fun in raiding once I've gotten all my completions for the week and don't mind teaching new people. I'm on the east coast and play evening-late nights most days. Would love to join a group that gets 6 people in for crucible to pub stomp for a few hours XD oh btw I'm 26 y/o. My GT is same as my name
Edit: forgot to mention for the most part I have gone flawless 3 times per week with the exception of being out of town for the weekend
Skulls of Anarchy (SoA) https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1001665 Lookin for New Members 360 & XB1