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Edited by DarthBrando: 9/5/2015 3:14:29 PM
[quote]Weight/mass of mars in metric tons: 6.39 × 10^20 t Average weight of 1 adult human: 70 kilos (1,000 kilos for 1 ton) Thats 14 people for 1 metric ton: Weight/mass of mars: 639,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons Thats: 4,500,000,000,000,000,000 adult humans (450,000x 1 trillion exactly) So no the weight of ALL human life forms in ONE galaxy (if each world holds a trillion thats 450,000 of them roughly) IS Barely equal to the weight of mars! (My original guess was 100,000x a trillion, you need 4.5x that JUST to get close to mass of mars and mars is a SMALL planet! Thats also FULL body weight not just nervous system)[/quote] Death star creates a reaction powerful enough to distroy/displace the mass of MEDIUM TO LARGE PLANETS! (Rocky not gas giants) Halo rings only kill life forms in the galaxy upon 1 firing (halos needs way longer cool down than death star too!) The above shows that on a rough average guess of population of 1 galaxy the halos DONT even distroy/displace the mass of ONE SMALL PLANET. So yea by measurement of the reactions the weapons produce THE DEATH STAR'S SUPER LASER is; MORE powerful than the ENTIRE network of Halos firing AT THE SAME TIME! [spoiler]science beiotch! Lol jk but yea math works. [/spoiler] Edit: May have been off on 450,000 x 1 trillion by 1 extra place value; so it might be 4,500,000 x 1 trillion (thats the only error if it is one tho. Also note at 70 kilos per person its 14.2xxxxxx per metric ton, so i rounded down. On 6.39x10^20 tons converted to 4.5x10^18 avg humans i rounded down from 4.568xxxx to 4.5 flat to compensate for the extra 1/4 a person per ton; thats why 4.5x10^18 average people are barely = to mass/weight of mars and not exactly equal to)

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  • Edited by BladeEdge545: 9/5/2015 9:21:24 PM
    Your math actually doesn't add up. You would have to account how much energy it takes to disintegrate 1 kilo of biological mass of a [b][u]single species [/u][/b] there can be alien body mass that could be more resilient than human flesh. Also, take into account that when the halos fire, it sends out a [i]pulse [/i] in all directions into the [b][i][u]vacuum of space[/u][/i][/b] since most of the universe is vacuum, around 99.99999--% is vacuum and so on. 0.0000000-1% (again very small) hits actual body mass, let alone a planet IF it has biological life. Most of the energy is wasted in space. All you stated was how much body mass was destroyed. Even then, was the pulse through space just enough to break down biological mass(bare minimum) or did the energy they put in on average for each lifeform was the energy equivalent of using a nuke to microwave a burrito. (Example, it would take 10 joules of energy to disintegrate one lifeform , but to the forerunners used a pulse, on average, had 100 joules of energy, just to be safe. Your math was a valiant effort, though. [spoiler]The numbers I gave aren't accurate, but it's safe to say that the ratio of vacuum of space to celestial body mass is similar to what it actually is [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/6/2015 4:07:36 AM
    No i stated 4.5x10^18 average 70 kilo under 1g mass worth of life forms DOES equal the mass of mars because it does almost (its off slightly due to rounding) Yes certain alien species have DIFFERENT DENSITIES than others DENSITY does NOT equal MASS. Sure granted some species may be 99 kilos per life form under 1 earth g meaning that species IS more massive YES, but 4,500,000,000,000,000,000 70 kilogram under 1 earth g humans would require: 4,500,000 x ONE TRILLION populated systems in the galaxy! (I see now i WAS off on 1 place value on that part) thats 4.5 MILLION PLANETS WITH 1 TRILLION LIFE FORMS EACH IN BOTH STAR WARS AND HALO There are only a few thousand populated worlds! So there is MORE than enough wiggle room for different species of life forms under different gravities. As far as disintegration/displacement E=MC^2 You can figure out EXACT NEWTONIAN FORCE produced/required using the numbers ive provided

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  • Edited by BladeEdge545: 9/6/2015 4:33:25 AM
    What I am trying to say is this: Your death star blast is like blowing up a building. However, the halos act like a radio tower, it sends a massive gamma pulse throughout the vacuum of space. In all directions, Your math is flawed for the halos because you fail to answer: How did the energy travel there. -what physical obstacles impacted the halo pulse -did [b][i][u]all[/u][/i][/b] of the energy fired necessarily hit the intended target (biological life) [spoiler]as I said, a very miniscule portion of the halos energy actually hit biological life. Most of it is used up traveling through the vacuum of space. However you measured his much the halos destroyed, not emitted.[/spoiler] imagine a radio tower sending out a signal. Just because only a certain number of radios received that signal (biological life) doesn't mean they captured all of the radiowaves in that emission. There still are radiowaves emitting into the sky, the ocean, the west, north,south, east, up, down, left, right, that don't hit there intended target (radios) and eventually disperse by losing energy.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/6/2015 4:34:21 AM
    I understand thermo dynamics; Ive been told halo used some type of neutrino radiation( neutrinos can pass through a full light year of lead at faster than light speed and may not even interact with the light year long solid block of lead they passed through) An yea i get about 0.00005% of the halo blasts or LESS actually hit their targets but; Halo ONLY DESTROYS life forms; The lost/missed radiation DOESNT count because unless it hits a life form IT DOESNT DO ANYTHING TO ANYTHING.

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  • Edited by BladeEdge545: 9/6/2015 4:43:12 AM
    But you claim that the death star exerts more power by destroying more mass. Think about this question: now that you understand that 0.000001% or so of the halos energy actually hit it's target, try to calculate 100% of the halos energy, then try to convert that energy into the same explosive energy the death star uses.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/6/2015 4:54:22 AM
    No i claimed that THE REACTION PRODUCED BY THE WEAPON is more powerful actually (the mass displaced by the thermal or chemical or exothermal reaction caused by the weapon's energy impacting targets) And as far as lost neutrinos radiation goes; u got any idea how BRIGHT the death star super laser is and how many PHOTONS are lost? Not to mention a single PHOTON contains several THOUSAND times more energy than a neutrino.

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  • Just saying if a race could send out a pulse at super luminal speeds to clean AN ENTIRE GALAXY OF LIFE. They can easily blow up a planet.

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  • I proved in that math the bio mass of AN ENTIRE GALAXY DOES NOT ADD UP TO THE MASS OF [b][i]ONE SMALL ROCKY PLANET[/i][/b] Tho i dont doubt they could blow up a planet

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  • Edited by BladeEdge545: 9/6/2015 5:24:10 AM
    Also, wait a second. how do you know how much biological life exists in the galaxy? That makes your assumption inaccurate.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/6/2015 4:49:26 PM
    4.5x10^18 worth of 70 kilo gram life forms; If it was just human beings that would be enough to populate 4.5 MILLION worlds with 1x TRILLION people EACH! An earth sized planet CAN NOT support a population that massive on just the surface (1 trillion people) 1 million american black ants DONT even weigh 40 kilos; A blue hump back whale weighs 200 tons and there are LESS THAN 2000 on earth right now; The 1000x extra 70 kilo human mass weight MORE than compensates for ALL other species. The other bit is only 1/3-2/3 of the GALAXY is even habitable (too much cosmic radiation within the unstable galactic core) Yea there are TRILLIONS of stars in the milky way; by our estimate 1 in 100-1500 contains an M class planet in the goldilocks zone. Only 1/3-2/3 are habitable due to the location in the galaxy. That brings the number of stars that have habitable M class planets down from a few trillion possibilities to only 5-20 million Even at 5-20 million THERE IS STILL ENOUGH EXTRA WEIGHT/mass accounted for in my equations to represent ALL biomass in the galaxy. Yea thing is about calc for extra targets hit to absorb all energy from halo network; There is only soo much population in the halo universe; i cant just artificially overpopulate it; thats called unrealistically fudging the numbers. The halo builders designed a weapon for total life obliteration via omnidirectional energy bursts; THEY WOULD HAVE KNOWN mathematically 99.9999% of the energy would just fly out into empty space and dissipate.

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  • Also your calculations are just for humans. Take account of all the other indigenous animals/biomass on the planets.

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  • Also your calculations are just for humans. Take account of all the other indigenous animals/biomass on the planets.

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  • Edited by BladeEdge545: 9/6/2015 5:00:54 PM
    That's [b][i][u]if[/u][/i][/b] they are limited to planets in the goldilocks zone. This is a super advanced race, I'm certain they have technology that allows them to colonize less habitable worlds. Who says they are limited to the surface? The forerunners, not humans, have hundreds upon hundreds of planets like coruscant [b][i][u]that they artificially created[/u][/i][/b] I'm saying calculate how much mass could the rest of the 99.999% of the energy destroy. That's the true potential of the halos.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/6/2015 5:16:57 PM
    The range of the halo array is actually much larger than the galaxy itself is; (Further backs up the line of thought THEY KNEW AND DESIGNED the weapons to blanket the galaxy KNOWING 99%+ of the burst wave would MISS) Milky way galaxy area = 4.98759x10^10 LIGHT YEARS Halo Network array blast area coverage= 9.117???x10^16 LIGHT YEARS (I forget exact on blast but i posted it on one of my replies IN THIS topic) So NO i will NOT calculate 100% of blast area= targets because the blast radius IS LARGER THAN THE GALAXY BY 2x AND SIX FULL MORE PLACE VALUES IN LIGHT YEARS! (There is no possible way EVER for the entire blast area TO BE FILLED CELL TO CELL WITH BIOMASS as that would be ONE MASSIVE LIFE FORM LARGER THAN THE [b][i][u]ENTIRE GALAXY[/u][/i][/b]) As far as ALL SPECIES 6.39x10^20 METRIC TONS IS MORE THAN ENOUGH MASS TO ACCOUNT FOR ALL GALACTIC LIFE (Actual biomass of just EARTH is less than 1 TRILLION metric TONS 639,000,000,000,000,000,000 ---> the mass used 1,000,000,000,000---> just earth (not even))

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  • Edited by BladeEdge545: 9/6/2015 5:36:34 PM
    Then thank you for proving that the halos are more powerful than the death star. [spoiler]I'm saying the amount of energy the halos can exert is more than the amount of energy the death star laser can exert[/spoiler]

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  • Then thank you for proving that the halos are more powerful than the death star.

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  • E=mc^2: The MORE MATTER YOU DESTROY: The more energy you use! Just because one weapon covers more area DOES NOT make it more powerful. Halo network IS DESIGNED to destroy LESS MATTER so it IS LESS POWERFUL

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  • Also. As I bet other people have already said, who is going to cree the death star if the halos has fired? Last time I checked, the death star's staff mostly consisted of organic beings. [spoiler]check m8[/spoiler]

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  • The crew is 1/3 droids almost: Also THERE IS NO PROOF halo energy would penetrate the shields let ALONE the station

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  • But didn't we prove that most of the energy was wasted? By that logic, you say that the wasted energy isn't capable of destruction? I'm trying to give you this idea, in terms of total power exerted, the halos are more powerful, but [i]might [/i] be less destruction mass wise (you only calculate for a single species, there are hundreds of thousands on earth alone . since you fail to calculate, or estimate for animals/nature, your conclusion is far smaller then what it should be.) [spoiler][b][i][u]that's what I'm trying to say [/u][/i][/b][/spoiler] But in terms of power, imagine if the forerunners designed a weapon based for maximum destruction on the power scale of the halos. They even have a ship class called "planet-breakers" although much isn't said about this class of ship, it's safe to assume they have that name for a reason. And unlike star wars, the forerunners can mass produce these ships with planetary destructive capabilities.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/6/2015 5:52:44 PM
    Since we dont know the energy they used; and 99%+ IS DESIGNED to miss and the blast area is 2,000,000x LARGER than the galaxy (they are designed to overlap to work and might not if they dont) that being said THERE IS NO WAY TO KNOW what the limit of targets the halo network can destroy; IF you had ENOUGH BIOMASS to absorb the energy, then there COULD STILL BE BIOMASS THAT SURVIVES! (Armor piercing rounds go through ARMOR not BUNKERS) Also my calculations WERE NOT to gauge the energy the weapon used; but to gauge the amount of MASS DISPLACED/DISTROYED by the reactions the weapons PRODUCE when hitting their targets! (In other words measure their effective& average destructive capability/capacity by measuring what they ARE DESIGNED to destroy)

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  • I checked the wiki Nowhere did it say what type of energy, so we can't assume what type. Since we previously stated that numerically 0.000005% of energy was used to destroy mass. My question is this, calculate how much theoretical mass could be destroyed if 100% was used. Then compare that theoretical mass to the mass of your planet

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  • Halo is not about destroy everything. It's about killing all the life form that susceptible of flood infection.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/5/2015 10:08:31 AM
    I understand that. I posted the math cuz EVERYONE keeps saying the Halo network IS MORE POWERFUL than the death star! ITS NOT AND THAT MATH PROVES IT (Yes halos are more effective for life annihilation BUT death star IS THREE TO TEN times more POWERFUL than the entire halo network based on reaction to mass caused by weapons)

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  • well, for killing death star is lose. but destructive force is win.

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