So in other words a cry baby mad that titans melee sucks. Yet their jump and grenades are easily the best in the game plus it is almost impossible to kill them when in super animation
The bolt grenades are the best ones..
I disagree with you but when I said grenades I meant as a whole. I think lightning grenade and magnetic are easily the best but that is my opinion I think the classes are all fairly balanced as much as I hate blade dancers and fist of panic they have their weakness ie blade dancers focus down easy and titans have to get close enough to use their supers effectively I main a warlock but play a good bit on a hunter and some on a titan. I am yet to notice one being far worse than the other each has its utility and flaws
The thing is you're using grenades that aren't even on the same subclass. As opposed to warlocks where they can have a bolt and fusion together same as the bladedancer. Truth is bungie messed up. They should have given warlocks best grenades (which IMO they do), hunters the best super (IMO they do), and Titans the best melee (which warlocks have).
I disagree with the best melee but fair enough