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9/4/2015 6:59:14 AM

Can safely say my KDR is virtually equal with all classes. GS Strengths: - Trip mine can net a lot of cheeky kills if less than 195 total health. - GG is by far the easiest super to use for multikills every time. - Jump system is easy mode, quick and easy to control. - Throwing knife is very powerful in skilled hands. GS weaknesses: - Trip mine can be a massive troll if many enemies run more than 194 total health. - GG activation makes you a sitting duck for a second with no overshield. - Throwing knife overiding a lunge melee is almost painful at times. - No really good tag grenades. - No access to overshields, ever. BD strengths: - Arcbolt grenade is king of finishing/pre damaging enemies (rushing grenades). - Blink (especially with arc bolt) is easy mode with handcannons/shotguns (Especially rumble). - Invis isn't OP but it can be useful at times. - Weapon swap speed is godlike in a game like destiny. - Arcblade is tanky and allows pretty solid 2-3 kills everytime and sometimes 4/5. - Blink strike glitch allows one hit kills from front some times, also it's especially good for trapping GG as they run into a room. BD weaknesses: - Only overshield comes in super. - Melee is almost painful when it's not charged. - Arcblade in laggy games, you might as well have a butter knife. SS strengths: - FLAME SHIELDS FOR DAYS - Double grenades or a hugely op DoT tag grenade (trials king), sticky grenades also have amazing aim assistance. - Access to Ram (only exotic I'll mention) gives numerous benefits, especially thorn survival and no instant snipe on res. - Self res is very useful in trials. - Melee range means even regular melee attacks are very useful for finishing enemies. - The right super set up allows you to out melee a BD in arcblade. SS weaknesses: - SOOOOO SLOOOOOOWWWWW, the jump is like painting a target on your back. - Super is super easy to counter if no idiot gives them a flame shield. - Self res can mean zero super kills all game if against non idiots. Voidwalker strengths: - Blink. - Ram (especially with shotgun+blink) gets healing with this class. - Axoin bolt can hunt a target who was behind a wall to the grenade. - Novabomb can be a super easy 2-4 piece. - Scatter grenades (with manacles obviously) are just free kills if an enemy is alone/stationary, and can even be good group killers with bloom. - Surge (kill bonus from melee) is very underated - Good arcblade counter. Voidwalker weaknesses: - More often than not you will get one kill with nova bomb, unless you horde it. - Axoin bolt is the only tag grenade that can be avoided (and easily), meaning with out manacles all void grenades are pretty lame. Striker strengths: - DOUBLE LIGHTNING GRENADES (or single), used for tatical tagging around corners, zone rapage and all-a-round carnage! - Storm fist, while short ranged does the most damage from any direction and can really help get super back. - Shoulder charge is a super effective tool when used intelligently, also is a good noob crutch due to no blink. - Fist of Havoc is by far the most reliable super, if you don't get a kill that is your own -blam!-ing fault, Also allows you to counter every other super with ease. Amazing AoE allows for the most carnage in the right situation. - Good jump system to shotgun someone on a platform above you. Strikers weaknesses: - Jump isn't as slow as sunsingers, but still is very clunk to try and play a high movement game. - Melee range is awful, even when charged up. - Initial lightning grenade burst will hurt you, unlike arc bolts and fire bolts. - Shitty helmets, off topic but true. Defender strength: - Spike grenades are underated and super effective, especially two of them in control zones. - Suppressor grenades are excellent for any PvP situation, and will be godlike in the new 'Mayhem' mode. - Armor of light = free kills when people stupidly run into your bubble assuming you only have blessings. - Weapons / Blessings of light = huge team advantage, especially in games like skirmish and clash where kills are the only concern. - Bubble is just all around useful in control for zones and heavy times. - Force barrier is a nice overshield that regens. Defender weaknesses: - Only real super that forces you to still use gun/play skill to get kills out of it. - Bubble is a big sign saying 'Hey launch super here'. - Shitty jump as above. - Melee is pointless when uncharged. - Force barrier requires a kill so not as effective as it could be. - No tag grenades. All in all, every class is just as effective as the each other when it comes down to it. Titans are just pissy because they want access to the blink+shotgun/melee play style. You have shoulder charge which is all of that in one, yes shoulder charge is not God mode, but it sure as hell does just fine for me. The removal of ram will fix the health balancing issues, hopefully when it's re-added it is balanced. Also don't bother telling me I'm not a fair judge, my titan and hunter kills are low because I deleted them awhile back and made three warlock, then reverted back to one of each during HoW. In fact, titan was the character I got to rank 5 in the first two IB's.

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