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Edited by Lord Bird I: 9/4/2015 3:02:34 AM

Mr. Fruit's View on Titans and Class Balancing

Titans should be buffed (I am a Titan)


Titans should be buffed (I am not a Titan)


EDIT: Please ignore the poll, I accidentally posted it unfinished and now I can't change it. [quote]As to all those who don't believe that Titans are the worst, and are trying to refute me. I could spend a whole video talking about it, but almost every point you all bring up - the other classes either have it built-in, or an exotic that outclasses it. Bubblebro is priceless in PvE. But for PvP, Titans are just at a clear disadvantage. As a person who has used every class, and every subclass, and has most time put into a Titan this is the consensus I've come to. Thankfully it looks like Sunbreaker is going to change things for Titans in PvP, but let's look at it realistically: Slowest agility : Yes you can use the "triple" tap jump to speed around, but it's not intuitive to most and it's not always practical to run around doing it in PvP and in a gunfight, you don't have the same speed to strafe or even run away - not to mention blink is just a get out of jail free card. It's so easy to avoid supers, heavies etc with blink, but titans can't get away so even overall titan's k/d usually don't match up with the other classes. It's the "TANKY" class : We're supposed to be the frontline, however even when we max our armor out we only have 1 more health than a hunter in PvP I believe, and are tied with Warlocks. The Ram alone gives Warlocks like 22 more health in PvP which is insane. Melee : We're supposed to be the melee class, but it's a fact our melee is the worst. No range to it. Hunters are above it especially with blink strike glitch, and the warlock is just a mile ahead of them both. Yes we have shoulder charge, but as you can see it's pretty easy to counter if you know what you're up against and titans also have to usually prep for shoulder charge beforehand knowing when it'll be up after sprinting, and how long it'll be up. Supers: The Fist of Havoc is situational, rarely nets several kills, and you almost feel punished for using it at times because it always seems like you need to save it for a cluster, which rarely seems to happen. Warlocks have the same thing in the form of Nova Bomb, which they can send from a safe distance. Hunters have a super that pretty much guarantees 2-4 kills every activation. Exotics: Yes the Saint-14 is great... in PvE. It can help occasionally in PvP, but using bubblebro in PvP is already putting you at a disadvantage. Ruin Wings are bugged and only useful for PvE. Arma is great for two grenades which can help, but warlocks have that perk built into their subclass already. Pretty much any other exotic is completely niche, or just offers a perk that's already in your subclass. Feedback fences? It tickles the enemy, I've gotten 1 kill across my hours of playtime using it. PvP you just have nothing that really helps, and so I often use Inmost light just because it lets me take 2 skills for my super. You can all sit here and argue on and on about it, but I can say without a doubt that Bungie is sitting on data that backs up exactly what I'm saying - especially PvP. I talked to Luke Smith and Mark about this while I was at bungie for hours on end. The Titans just don't have anything they really shine at, except for being the staple for most PvE encounters with the Bubble. They told me they're aware of it and are always looking at ways to fix it. So fingers crosses, but even Bungie knows Titans are a notch down from the others. The bubble is near useless in PvP because it can't protect against supers, you can't use it as a reactive defense because everything bursts it. Anyway like I said I could go on and on and on about this because as someone who wants the Titans so badly to be really good, it hurts to realistically look at it and know that we're just not at the same tier with the current build. I'm not going to respond to the comments to this because it won't get us anywhere, you're always free to disagree. /rant[/quote] -Mr. Fruit This comment can be found here: This is probably the best argument for class balancing I've seen in a long time. The video (Specifically the first round) shows the clear disadvantages that the Titan has in the melee department, even with shoulder charge. And in the round where they were all using an auto rifle, Mr. Fruit absolutely crushed Blue and Rhabby, so he's likely more skilled than them, but in the other rounds in this series it doesn't look like it because abilities were allowed in those rounds. Other Thread with more evidence: Statistics thread: Tell me if you agree or disagree, and if you do disagree please give a valid argument rather than "Fist of Havoc/Shoulder Charge/Lightning Grenades is/are OP" or at least give some form of evidence to prove it. Thanks for Reading!

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  • I've grown to love the Defender, but he's spot on about how weak it is. The only safe way to play it in PvP is to use it as a choke point with Saint-14 equipped, and run Armor of Light. That both forces you to stay inside the bubble and makes you a huge purple target. You can always try a No Backup Plans build if you want to run around with an overshield and tank shotgun blasts, but who does that?

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  • WHAT?? The bubble isn't useless Not suppost to defend other supers that'll be insanely op It stops 2 gg shots so guy has to waste most of super WHICH you could just run away from Blade dancer goes in you shotgun him done Voidwalker just run back Sunsinger shotgun Striker just jump out of the bubble when he foh and you survive Not to mention you could boost your teams shield and weapons dmg

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    24 Replies
    • Striker is awesome in PvP. It's not EASY to play, and it isn't the up close and personal tank class that people want it to be. Defender is also awesome in PvP. The mistake that most people make is using their bubble as a tent. Bubbles should be used in PvP to block access routes and cut down angles. Being IN the bubble is pretty dangerous if your enemy team has supers (though you can roughly monitor enemy supers if you have a good team). It's rare now to find players who are stupid enough to feed themselves into an AoL bubble and let themselves be punched to death over and over. Defender should have: A circle mode where you get no dome top but you gain a wider diameter circle - so it's more like a perimeter fence A wall mode where you only get a single plane of shield, but it is massive in area coverage An exotic that allows you to shoot out of the bubble

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    • Suggestions Titan Melees do more damage Storm fist also disorients on critical hits Force barrier activates on hit Ward of Dawn pops after = 3 GG shots The Ram isn't a permanent boost, but rather boosts both armor and recovery after a Melee kill (to synergize with the other part of the perk) Miscellaneous, and Hunters in PvE -to make hunters the fastest class, simply make agility impact sprint speed too. -Golden Gun generates more orbs on major kills (so you can use it after weakenig majors with normal firearms) -Arc Blade always staggers, even with Angry

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      5 Replies
      • Edited by CinReon: 9/4/2015 6:48:02 AM
        I can agree for the most part, being an on and off Titan main myself(Started with Titan Day one - moved to Hunter(s) in TDB made 2 hunters during TDB - moved back to Titan for the first half of HoW - Finished the rest of HoW swapping between Titan and Warlock.) I've never felt Titans needed a major buff or anything primarily because even with their shortcomings I've always found Titan to be overall more fun to play than a hunter or warlock. In terms of changes I'd like to see though, I've really only felt the melee's, and armor needed slight changes/reworks. The Striker melee (Stormfist): isn't to bad on it's own other than its crappy melee range, it perks are fairly decent although getting transfusion off unless your target is already low is a bit difficult. To remedy this Stormfist could be the only melee that has it's own base passive of 2 charges this way landing Stormfist and actually getting the transfusion bonus is a heck of a lot easier and overall a better perk, not to mention it would be a much greater help to Stormfist's base perks(Overload, Discharge, and Amplify) The Defender melee (Disintegrate): I'm pretty sure we all know why this melee is rather disappointing. Needless to say it needs to either be adjusted to give an on hit overshield or reworked into something totally different. I always thought it would be pretty cool if they turned the defender melee into something like the shield bash attack the Relic from VoG has, they could even make it so the melee reduces incoming damage during it's use. As for it's perks if it was made into a entirely different melee like the example I just gave I have no idea what they could be. Titan armor: personally I've said this since the start of Destiny "We really don't feel anymore tanky than the other classes, so whats the point of making our primary stat armor?" I mean really whats the point of being the tank type class if you don't really have more bulk than a magical space wizard?! Other than these things I've felt Titans were fine, I could stand being on the lesser end of mobility if we at least had more HP to compensate for it though.

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      • He's right. Also, ward of dawn has a timer and a cool down so it would not be OP if it blocked all supers for the 30-45 seconds it was up even if more than one Titan could use their bubbles to create infinite bubbles. Why? Because a concerted effort using coordinated breach with shotguns and melees always kills the Titan inside. And that should not change. But the class is CALLED defender so it should defend against all supers.

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      • I have one of each n I do very well with the Titan. If ppl can't do nothing with the Titan on pvp then that's because they can't adjust I admit when I made my Titan it was my leafy but when u get used to it everything falls into place . Just my opinion

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        • Fist of havoc is op. So is nova bomb on warlock.

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          6 Replies
          • I agree with this sentiment. But I have never loved a titan more than when I ran it racking up salvage wins. Oh boy, if you don't run defender when playing salvage you're doing it wrong

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          • Edited by SomeRyeBread: 9/4/2015 3:29:25 AM
            If they make boots that give you Juggernaut. 😰 Running Shoulder Charge with Juggernaut active would be sooo fun. It'd be broken AF, but so is Blink with QuickDraw. Also Titans need to not have T-Rex arms when punching. Like WTF where did the rest of their arm go?

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by l MGW l: 9/4/2015 5:24:27 AM
              I wish Mr Fruit would've shown this level of analysis, maturity, and overall intelligence during the stream, I would've actually come away a fan of his (if that is indeed his quoted narrative). I don't find him funny in the least, and if he had stopped trying to be funny and was this analytical during his time on the stream the community would've greatly benefited. I still won't follow his stream, but my negative opinion of him fades quite a bit with this development. I agree with all his points, and it sounds like Bungie does too.

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              • As someone who has all 3 classes, Titans ARE the weakest, but not my much. They could use melee range similar to hunters, and defender could use a buff. But at the same time, they have a lot going for them, 1. Fist of Havoc, if you look at Destiny Tracker's information about supers, you see that Fist of Havoc is just below GG(not by much) and above Radiance in kills, you know why? You rarely ever get shut down using your super. The animation is extremely fast, and you can literally take a GG shot and live. There is no way Fist of Havoc isn't OP if it beats Radiance in kills, and is on par with GG, considering both of them are timed supers and not just an activation. Sure, you might not get a huge amount of multi-kills with it, but it is still basically unstoppable once you activate it. It is the strongest activation super, Destiny Tracker's numbers are there for you to look at. 2. Lightning grenades are the best grenade for area of denial, and grants you a huge amount of assists/kills if you use it right, mostly assists though, which do count for a lot in team play. Sure you can shoot them, but most people don't. Also, flashbang grenades are extremely underrated and under used, because lightning grenades, I guess. 3. Shoulder charge... Hear me out, with the nerfs coming to shotguns and the extremely small range they're going to have next patch, shoulder charge isn't going to be as bad as it is now, and if you rush in a straight line toward someone, in any situation, you're probably going to die, just don't do it. Use it as you come around corners and you'll have much better success. 4. Bubble could use a buff, but only if it generates no orbs in pvp, or gives less super energy per orb. All I have to say is if you've went up against bubble train team, you know what I'm talking about here. Maybe let it take a nova bomb and a few ticks of vortex, and 3 GG shots, and 3 razor edge hits. 5. Suppressor grenades remove supers, stop people from blinking, using grenades or even activating their super. They are extremely under used because most people see magnetic grenades and just assume the other grenades suck. A buff to their melee range, force barrier activating on hit instead of kill, and maybe a slight buff to Defender bubble would be great, but if they were to do more than that, they would be completely outrageous in PvP. Titans are not the "rush" class and people don't seem to understand that. I'm in no way saying Titans are "OP", but with a slight tweaking they can be on par with other classes, blink is getting nerfed, shotguns are getting nerfed. Just wait and see, they will be much better off in a different meta. The shotgun rush meta is what makes Hunters what they are right now, when people can't blink/shotgun, rush and hit you with a shotgun from 25 ft away with a one shot, Titans will be just as good as the other classes. But those t-rex arms could use a fix.

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                2 Replies
                • That right hook... So weak... I agree with him. I'm a average crucible player... When I use my Titan I'm below 1.0 When I use my warlock I'm in the 1.5 range every game.

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                • Fruit nation. Play with me.

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                • eh, aside from facing down blade dancer supers, which to clarify i don't think are op just annoying and a waste of my shotgun ammo, melee, and time, i don't think that the titans are too far out of line but with the striker and defender you do have to play pretty specifically which is annoying, but not broken. nothing in the game is OP. just optimized and annoying. cept for final round in pvp. Jerks.

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                  7 Replies
                  • This is going to change as soon as the Sunbreaker subclass drops. It's obviously the most powerful class coming in The Taken King.

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                    23 Replies
                    • Supressor grenades don't always supress blade dancers

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                      3 Replies
                      • Edited by Cayde Seven: 9/4/2015 3:31:34 AM
                        Two perk changes in melee tree, and slight melee range buff: For striker Titan, add Haymaker perk to Storm Fist Haymaker: Storm Fist has chance (25%) to do 2x damage. This would require a charged melee and give Titans a small chance to OHK w melee in Crucible, increasing their credibility as buff punching machines. For Defender: Defensive Jab: Disintegrate grants a shield on hit which reduces incoming melee damage for 5 seconds. This would give Defenders with a charged melee a chance to win fistfights. Could be countered by backing off and shooting... so wouldn't be OP. All the other stuff Fruit complains about above is class vs class typical complaining, and people usually argue for their own main. The one every rational person I've heard agree on is fix the Titan melee. Blink nerf incoming. Titans might not even want it come Tuesday.

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                        • Unstoppable should be a permanent buff to FoH not a perk.

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                        • I main a hunter, and play Titan frequently. They're fine from my perspective. That said, I pretty much automatically ignore anything that comes out of Mr. Fruit's mouth.

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                          4 Replies
                          • Mr fruit just said what all titans have been thinking

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                            • But titan have the thing i want the most but got cancelled....LIGHTNING GRENADE :(

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                              6 Replies
                              • There fine only thing wrong is that the armor should be way more and a person with a dress shouldn't even come close And that increased control thing also has to be fixed

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                              • [b]titans need a perk or piece of armor that lets the bubble become stationary on the player, even as he moves. giving it an incredible mobile advantage.[/b] the titans smash is fine but i think there needs to be a discussion about how to make titans jumps on par (although i think with the blink nerf coming ill change my mind on that balance, idk time will tell)

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                                5 Replies
                                • 1
                                  buff their melee. nerf shoulder charge. rebalance all the grenades. buff bubble for pvp. make fist more killable if they arent using unstoppable just my quick thoughts

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                                • - - - Can anyone explain me the "blink strike glitch"? - - - - - -

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