Now this is something that I can't seem to get out of my head. Why do they? Can't they see the obvious irony, sarcasm, or joking nature in most statements? Are they so dumb that they can't comprehend text tone? Well I really don't know so I had a little chat with a man named Bapao. Here it goes:
Me: Hey bapao
Bapao: I have an iphone 6+, alienware, and sooper dooper expensive stuffs
Me: So you buy stuff based on brand name? GG for being a retarded consumer
Bapao: Ajax stfu!
Me: So you buy stuff based on brand name? GG for being a retarded consumer
Me: So you buy stuff based on brand name? GG for being a retarded consumer
Kvothe Stark: Don't respond to him bap
Me: So you buy stuff based on brand name? GG for being a retarded consumer
Bapao: I added a new rule, you'll get kicked if you keep saying that.
Me: So you buy stuff based on brand name? GG for being a retarded consumer
Bapao: Warning 1, I will ban you
Me: Dude why are you so buttmad?
Bapao: Not everybody can take insane amounts of baloney (sfw for kids) like you can!
Me: mmk.
So as you can clearly see, some people just can't keep their cool and partake in jokes on the internet. Now, you're probably still wondering the real question, [b]WHY?[/b] Well, my studies have shown many results, I'll list them in bullet form to make it easier to read.
• They have no real friends and can't take rejection from internet "friends"
• They can't separate the internet from real life.
• They're very insecure and need to feel 100% perfect about all of their decisions.
These 3 reasons are the most plausible that I have found. Now as you, yes [b][i][u]YOU[/u][/i][/b], are now my junior reporter I'm giving you the responsibility to declare the most plausible reason. Good luck out there men! [spoiler]Shots fired bap
edit: This is a joke dude, don't get mad <3 [/spoiler]
I think the problem is one that has been around since the invention of the printing press and the subsequent widespread use of books, newspaper articles, etc. It's always been a challenge to convey a specific tone of voice through a reading medium because all the reader sees is the words on the page. You don't get the speaker's tone of voice, hand gestures, body language, etc. that you normally would by speaking to someone. It's through these subtle gestures and voice tones that people convey satire, a sarcastic attitude, or an ironic statement. Because the reader lacks these signs of a satirical statement, the statement is misinterpreted as seriousness and a keyboard fight breaks out. What would fix this is a standardized punctuation system capable of conveying these emotions through text alone, such as a unique set of quotation marks to indicate satire or sarcasm.