The price is reduced from £40 to £27.50
That would reduce the price so that it is in line with what the usa and the rest of Europe(with euro) are paying.
£27.50 is much more than what Ive usually paid for a Dlc in the past with any game but I will give Bungie the benefit of the doubt that this is an expansion and will contain more than the previous dlcs(which were priced at around £18 each or both with the season pass for £35)
Everything looks good, i want it but im not going to be taken the p!ss out of by paying a higher price than the rest of the globe.
*if its full game worthy why isnt it a full game price in the usa or anywhere else? Why only uk paying full game price
* if its to do with taxes in the uk then where were those taxes when I bought vanilla destiny, why did i only pay £40 and not £63.
also for the Americans who believe it is worth $63 but are only paying $40....put your money where you mouth is, buy the dlc for $40 and send me the remaining $ use that to buy ttk....everybody is a winner, destiny get the money they deserve, you get to pay destiny what you think the game is worth and I get ttk........tri-tri-tri triple win. (im not serious)
Just do what everyone else is doing in the uk. Sell your copy of destiny for 10quid then pre order legendary edition for 35quid of the net making taken king 25quid, bargain. That way they only make probably the 20quid they sold it to the distributors rather than the 40quid off the store. They will be able to see who's used codes for less than who's paid full price direct from Sony/xbox store then they might get the message that there taking the p on the dlc direct from the store