Don't be a typical attention seeking "girl gamer" and I'll personally watch your streams to support you.
I'll always support my fellow female gamers, if they aren't the "omg I'm a girl. Look at me" type. Massive pet peeve of mine.
I'll check you out :).
Girls who generally seek attention online don't really get that kind of attention in real life. Hence they seek that kind of approval from gamer males...who will pretty much screw anything lol.
Thank you so much! The only time I ever have a "girl ego" is whenever I'm playing crucible and someone sends hate mail and I reply back that I'm a chick (when they tell me to stop acting like.a pussy). Lol. Other than that gender equality on my stream! :)
Yeah me too lol or I'll state I'm a woman when they're calling me "him" thinking I'm a child lol.
There's another type? Where?