Bad habits and exploits arent going to change with the new META. People have found outliers in every group of weapons from every dlc that outperform other guns in a given situation.
Example: Crucible
Vanilla Destiny- Suros Regime dominated
Patch with TDB- Rise of Thorn and TLW
HoW- Hopscotch Pilgrim and Messenger
So even if our old weapons dissolve to dust, there will be new outliers that fill thosr voids. There will be some OP guns and unless you have other OP guns to counteract those, then its the story of now all over again.
My 2 cents anyways.
Thorn and last word still rule crucible. Hopscotch and Messenger and great choices, but those 2 still dominate the meta.
True. Im just saying with each expansion, there will always be outliers. Guns that prove to be more proficient than others released at the same time.
True too lol