And you can kick them from the party, in matchmaking you can't. Imagine being stuck with a stupid player during an entire raid or nightfall
thats very true but the reason they aren't match making is because the are the hardest and need as much commincation as possible. I agree with u on the nightfall and raids it is our job to find reliable player into nightfall and raids but easier stuff like the weekly and things like that can be done with shite player if the other two are good. If not leave and go back in with a different team. (after u report there ass)
Heroic weekly strike already has matchmaking which is fine and like you said we can leave if you get a bad team, but raids and nightfalls not having matchmaking is better imho
Yes and Bungie has never said anything about matchmaking for those actives. They are staying non match making Bungie knows they will make people angry if matchmaking was in the communication actives