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originally posted in:The Overlords of Heresy
Edited by HERETICOVERLORD: 8/23/2015 7:29:10 PM

Chapter 2, The story of three Overlords. Rise of Darkness, Episode 5

I was first to wake up Redreksis was curled up sleeping on his bed. He really seems to like it. Cuban and Manhatton are gone I have my ghost page them through the comms to come to the sparring room I nudge Redreksis he opens his two right eyes Slowly before opening all four and stretching with a low Gutteral Growl before standing up. I tell him to follow me we are going to spar he looks at me with his head cocked for a moment before asking what sparring is? I turn and tell him it's like practice fighting so that you get better with out getting hurt. This seems to puzzle him he explains to me that they had fighting like this but it was never fake the Winner lived and the Loser was Commonly docked if not dead already. We move to the Hangar walking slowly before signaling Holiday to lower the Elevator even though the tower doesn't havent have a sparring room. it does however have space for its ships stored under ground since our ships up top in the hangar we've converted its space into a make shift sparring room. As we get to our level we notice Cuban and Manhatton already sparring. Manhatton wearing some Newly Adorned Iron Banner Robes Black and Gold in Color with a Ram's head where his helmet would normally be. They stop as we enter Cuban and Manhatton turn to us. Cuban asks are you guys gonna spar or what? So we start me vs Redreksis and then as the Battle ensues it'll be Cuban vs me and Manhatton with Redreksis at his side. As we Begin me and Redreksis start hand to hand Combat I run in and go to tackle Redreksis but he is fast he actually catches me by the side with two arms and redirects me in another direction I roll and stand back up. Redreksis is now on the Offensive attacking with all four arms its hard to blocks all these vicious blows. I manage to duck under one of his punches and get his left leg for a take down As I get him off the Ground. Cuban tackles me from behind the force ripping Redreksis out of my hands as I fall on my face Cuban Gets up ready to Fight when Manhatton uses a Solar push to knock Cuban five feet into a wall he helps me up Cuban uses a much less intense version of blade dancer upon doing so Manhatton preps a small Nova Bomb throwing it at Cuban. He manages to dodge it but barely as I leap into the air to use my super but Redreksis grabs me by one of my feet swinging me into the nearby support Column Manhatton and Redreksis start fighting. Manhatton using his palms to keep Redreksis at bay while I get up Cuban however is running to the Aid of Redreksis. I contrate my light within me and start sprinting my fists filled with Arc Cuban use's his Arc blade I pull out my Arc Sword and we Clash just Behind Manhatton Arc Blade against Arc sword his increased speed making things hard to block but then he some how extends the Arc blade into a Secondary form stunned for a moment be launches a volley of attacks before getting hit with Redreksis's Body that was hit with a Solar push knocking Cuban back and Redreksis lands on his feet still ready to Fight his Breast plate of his old armor scorched and now cracked. I tell them to stop for a moment I inspect Redreksis's armor. I come to the Realization that he'll need new armor as his being older it is much to brittle. I Tell Redreksis to follow me back to the lift Cuban and Manhatton Follow us out as we reach the Hangar we Go to the Vanguard Armorer first to see if they have anything that would even possibly fit Redreksis unfortunately he Doesn't have anything so I take Redreksis back to our Quarters and start taking Measurements I'll have to have Armor specially crafted for him Until then Cuban has offered to Give him some armor from his Trophy Collection he Takes Redreksis to his Trophy room to pick out his armor. I start Drawing up Armor to take to the forges later if it comes out like its drawn He'll look like no other. To be Continued...

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