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8/21/2015 6:00:43 PM
Ok. It worked for HoW. Let's say it works for ttk. Do you think it's gonna work 5 years from now? Do you think the game is gonna get better if you can use your old shit for the entire series? No it's not. If they keep adjusting the game for us eventually bungie is gonna get lazy because they won't have to make new anything. And I'm sorry if this everything they've done so far is bungie trying their hardest, I don't want to see them lazy.

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  • Yes, I do think the game can get better using the same gear for its entire lifespan. I don't particularly care that we JUST get new gear; I'd like it if we just for sure got better gear that was worth leaving old gear behind for, and still have old weapons to fall back on if the new gear sucks, and new content that was fun to play even with old gear. Trying their hardest would be keeping old weapons and content relevant instead of leaving it behind. Lazy is scrapping everything so that it doesn't have to be taken into consideration at all.

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  • This.

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  • Quit telling people how a game should be played when you are the one who feels this way.

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  • There's no hit or miss or doubts with regards to how effective giving players a choice can be. So yes, it would still work for Year 5 and up to Year 10 as well. All you are doing is giving people the option, and more options is always preferable to few. As far as new weapons, its stupidly easy to keep coming up with brand new ideas for weapons and I'm actually rather disappointed that they are taking this route. What you have now is a system which already encourages being lazy, because they can essentially tweak or recycle old concepts for weapons and just simply resell them as "new" with a higher max damage stat. Keeping everything that is old relevant going forward advocates a need to get more creative with weapon designs and concepts to expand and create new exciting ideas to interest people.

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  • By simply increasing the power level of older gear that would allow them to do less because even if everything new flops bungie will have something to fall back on. And as critical as this community is they wouldn't get away with repeatedly reskinning and retweaking weapons. They've put themselves in a situation where they have no choice but to deliver and I don't know about you but I feel that's great for the game because they'll have to continually improve and raise the bar. Not just tell us to play this mode to get this item to let you use the same gear you beat every other boss with to beat this boss.

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  • And yet both the Dark Below and House of Wolves is evidence. The community did already complain about how the "new" weapons for both DLCs were just re-skinned nonsense of what was already there. Case in point! Vanilla Destiny: "The Devil You Know" Dark Below: "The Devil You Don't Know" Your logic doesn't really seem all that thought out. I mean to be frank, you sound as though you're just kinda re-hashing what they say. Like I've said, that kind of mentality really doesn't help anyone. The reason why giving people the choice can never go wrong is because despite you or I think, we're both being catered to. Neither of us is being shown favortism. But if you go with the current setup where that choice is just removed altogether and it becomes a point of forcing players to use the new stuff going forward, then you'll obviously alienate a large portion of your customers who don't share the same opinion. To make it more simpler~ Option 1 angers many while others remain unaffected Option 2 makes everyone happy and doesn't negatively impact anyone.

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  • Whether you agree with my logic or not stems off from the initial point I made. The gear was never designed to be around forever. And making a comparison between content between dlc and a full on expansion is a little misguided. I know most people don't know that there is a legitimate difference between the two but it's difficult to make an accurate assessment of what is being brought to the table in terms of content. Simply put dlc or add-ons do exactly that, the add on to what is available without necessarily altering game mechanisms which is what we see with like the call of duty franchise or most console games where they put in a few maps and maybe a few missions and weapons. An expansion is basically a reimagining of the current content and building up from that. You'll see those in mmo's or even a game like warframe where they not only add on content to the game but they add in or alter game mechanics as a whole which is what is happening with ttk. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't necessarily agree with what they're doing but I do have a general understanding of why the old gear is being left behind. Bottom line is the old gear doesn't fit in line with the new direction destiny is going in. Old gear doesn't have the same perks and abilities the new gear has. The new weapons for the most part are being classified into individual themes based off vendors the old aren't. Everything they are bringing into the fold when it comes to gear with this expansion is not available on the old gear which is what I mean by it wasn't designed to last the duration of the game. Even if they did bring the gear to the new damage and armor levels they still wouldn't have the same capabilities that the new gear has so it's being left behind. It's that simple.

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  • Edited by Bizzerker_Bauer: 8/22/2015 3:22:36 AM
    [quote]And making a comparison between content between dlc and a full on expansion[/quote]Uh, TDB and HoW were both called expansions by Bungie. That's why they came in the expansion pass, and it's also why people are so upset that after these two "expansions" were so tragically awful that they're now coming out and asking for double the price for the first "major expansions for real this time guys". You're also just obviously wrong on every point about weapons. There's no reason not to let us upgrade old weapons. None. If the new weapons are truly better then people will use them and the fact that we were able to ascend old weapons won't be a problem. If the new weapons AREN'T better, which they likely won't be, then we get to use the old weapons that were actually good. This way Bungie has to step up to the plate with new weapons designs instead of just dumping in some shit weapons with random faction-only perks replacing old ones.

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  • Edited by Malphisto: 8/22/2015 3:20:24 AM
    There are flaws in your argument, however. 1: Both Dark Below and House of Wolves are advertised and listed as Expansion I and Expansion II. As such, they are both considered "mandatory" as they lock off players from actual game content. DLC is optional by virtue of its definition, content intended to enhance or add onto what is already present. But never considered mandatory. Of course, the distinction between what is DLC and what is an Expansion is just beating around the bush and ultimately holds no real value to the subject at hand. New weapons/armor were added, shop vendors had their inventories replaced and old content was replaced with new. That is the focus of conversation here, please do not go off topic with me. 2: Unless you work at Bungie, there is no way for you to be certain one way or another that the old gear was never intended to stick around forever. That is nothing more than speculation on your part, and there are just as many others out there which argue the opposite. 3: I don't agree with your logic based on pure common sense, nothing else. Given the situation, presented to a group of intellectuals diagnosing the scenario, it is easily determined that one option results in there being a split between differing opinions while the other option breeds cohesion of ideals. Hence, the two options I explained already. Logic will always dictate what is right or wrong. 4: There is nothing simple about it, on the contrary. If the new gear has different perks then that makes even less sense for them to retire the old stuff. That is the idea, after all, to populate the game with weapons and armor that seek to diversify the gaming experience. If you could elaborate upon why you feel the old content doesn't fit in line with the new, I'd love to hear it. Personally, I'm willing to wager you have the makings of a personal opinion regarding this matter but you haven't fully explored your thoughts on it. My advice? You would benefit from a change in perspective. Its simple enough to do, all you need is to erase your current opinions, step back and then assume the role of an outsider looking inward. Question each thing, and find the answers. Then questions what you discover, and once you reach the end of the rabbit hole you will arrive on the other side far more enlightened and well off for it. Its a technique I find quite useful.

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