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Edited by Pro: 8/25/2015 6:33:01 PM

Dead and gone

[spoiler][b]Update 8/25[/b]: Bungie has censored and banned, LostSols, BoomerSooner51, and Acehunter25 for alleged CoC violations. The only cursing was in the form of "dipshit", the other "bannable" offenses were the use of the phrase "butsniffing fanboy" and calling a player out for being in the lower half of crucible ratings. These users other crimes were thought out complaints and criticisms against Bungie. Clearly Bungie has been bringing the ban hammer down hard against [i]whistler blowers[/i], while allowing truly bad mouth trolls continue without consequence. [b][i][u]But that's not even the worst. [/u][/i][/b]CaseyOakdale posted a link and instructions on how to contact Activision and the BBB for a refund of the game. After amassing nearly 300 comments (last I saw) his post was removed. This is completely inexcusable. Do not let Bungie act ignorant to these issues any longer. This thread is already 600 comments strong. Keep bumping! Force them to remove it, but do not let them ignore it! Caseyoakdale's post:[/spoiler] Nothing to see here. #FreeSols [spoiler][b][i][u]Attention Edit[/u][/i][/b]: BoomerSooner51 was banned as well! For Supporting #FreeSols and apparently saying: buttsniffing fanboy We now have 2 banned community members and [i]atleast[/i] 2 censored posts. Stop running this forum like its N. Korea. Haha --------------------------------------------------- [b][i][u]Attention[/u][/i][/b]!! Bungie (or their "unpaid affiliates") has been censoring the #FreeSols posts! This thread hasn't been touched yet, but many of the ones with less comments (@caseyoakdale @cbrstar)and less visibility have already been Ninjad. Is this seriously what the forum has turned too?! Cmon! You're better than that!! Unban the innocent party and let's just get this over with. YOU have turned this into a bigger deal than it needs to be. Well, hopefully once Monday hits the [i]real[/i] employees will see this and resolve a very unfortunate situation. The forum [i]needs[/i] constructive criticism and positive feedback. Give us back the voice that provided that! #FreeSols PS if it makes any difference, I've already preordered TTK haha --------------------------------------------------- [b][i][u]update[/u][/i][/b]: [u]This is not name shaming[/u]! I've been [i]talking[/i] with LostSols' "victim" all day, and he's admitted Sols didn't do anything ban worthy, and acknowledges Sols positive impact towards the community, and wants the ban lifted. So [b]why[/b] was he banned in the first place? Conspiracies amuse me. Keep the pressure on, #FreeSols --------------------------------------------------- [b]Edit 3[/b]: posted that from my phone, hope it works [b]Here's why he was banned, if you were curious[/b] Edit 2: There was an imposter account out there named "LostSol[b][i][u]z[/u][/i][/b]" That account made some false posts, and was reported and ninja'd. The real Sols is still MIA lol Edit: Before this gets too outta hand - I'm gonna squash a theory that Bungie was trying to silence him. Some trolls were harassing him, things got personal and spiraled down from there. BUT did the Bungie dev team give a sigh of relief when Sols got banned? [i]Probably.[/i] Talked to LostSols tonight. He got ninja banned after confronting some people that were harassing him. I don't really know details, but I know a lot of people look forward to his posts and I'd like Bungie to reconsider his ban. Every disagreement I've had with him has always been cordial - and I've seen him in plenty of other discussions without it turning bad. I'm sure whatever happened was a one time thing. It really is a shame to lose one more of the active forum members that made intelligent, thought-out posts. [quote]You all are the best and I appreciate all the support you’ve continually showed me. I look forward to reading what you all have for Bungie while I’m away. The Hammer of Sols has been nerfed. [/quote] -LostSols Bump #FreeSols[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Recon Number 54: 8/21/2015 3:01:15 PM
    [quote]Bungie you filth he was fending himself you shits. And you little ninja ass -blam!-s you deserve to commit suicide you shits.[/quote] [b]Pre-disclaimer: [/b][spoiler] In case the reader is unaware, the Ninja and the Mentors are not Bungie employees. We are not Bungie spokespersons, we do not speak on behalf of Bungie, we do not work for Bungie, we are fellow members of this site and people who, just like you, play and have our own opinions on the games that Bungie makes.[/spoiler] Here's my take, and [b]only post[/b] on this matter. See that above? It doesn't bother ME in the slightest. I see hundreds of "Bungie you are shit" and "Ninjas, you should kill yourselves" in the report queue nearly every day and I don't ban for those. IMO, Bungie are big boys and girls, and can take their fair share of Internet abuse and rudeness. Same for me and my fellow ninja. Call out either group, vent your spleen, throw shit and honestly? I'm fine with it. Now, on the other hand. If I see comments like that in the queue and they are from one member and are directed at another? Then the person throwing is getting a time out. I don't care who they are, and no one is a "special case". It's one thing to insult our hosts, or to give the middle finger at general authority here, that sort of crap comes with the territory. But the one thing that we ALL agreed on when EACH of us joined, was that we would not insult, abuse or attack each other. So, if I see it in the report queue, I am not looking to see who said it, I am looking at what they said. No one can MAKE you put something offensive or rule-violating to the right of your avatar. There is no "returning fire" on the forums. There is no "defending yourself when someone has insulted you". And the line of "I see it everywhere and it goes unaddressed, so I decided to do it too and expect no consequences either". All of those are false arguments, rationalization and an attempt to excuse poor interaction with your fellow community members. And there certainly isn't a "special class" that deserves or gets "special treatment". And as far as the comments regarding "others are free to call people fags, wish their mother would have aborted them and a lot more." (to quote Cooper), I will and ALWAYS act when I see those things. I see those things by chance as I scroll through the forums, and I make them disappear. But I don't and I CAN'T see them all. The #Destiny forum alone will have 10+ pages , 25 threads per page, each with posts less than 5 minutes old. There is no possible way for me, or any small group of individuals to read all of the content posted by the members of this site. Do you know who CAN? The members. If you've seen interactions that you know are unacceptable, people insulting others, using slurs, calling names, being abusive, hateful or downright assholes? Don't shake your head and let that shit go as "a sign that this site sucks". Click on the report button PLEASE! Because those reports make it to me and my colleagues. We evaluate the post, and if the report was accurate, we ban the offender. Because YOU took the time to point them out. And whoever is already doing that? Thank you. Really. I honestly and sincerely thank you. If I could buy you all a beverage, I would. Finally, as to the cause, length and other details of another members ban? That's between the banned member and the hosts of this site. Unbans are rare, infrequent, and most members simply wait out their ban and don't repeat the steps that lead to it. I don't know, don't need to know, and don't want to know the details of this latest Internet drama. I did want to share my perspective and set straight some of the mistakes and assumptions being made in this thread. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. That is something that is up to the people who took the time to read this. And those of you who did? Thanks for reading.

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