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Edited by Phoenix King: 8/21/2015 12:37:26 PM

For people who are fine with gally ( and one year exotics) being left behind...

Did you people even think about it ramifications of this? You guys are aware that the gally and other year one exotics are going to be "frozen in time", never to be upgraded ever again. Now, I could be a bitch on the forums, calling people idiots, or claim that they are bungie's sheep.... But I'm not going to be a bitch. My question is, WHY you are okay with the gally ( and for the sake of having a good discussion: other one year exotics ) being left behind? For most of us, these exotics (like gally) were not easy to get. I just wonder why you guys are fine leaving them behind after countless months are grinding. UPDATE: What I mean by calling people names, is that I could be toxic like some people are. I don't want to be that toxic person. All I wanted to have a good discussion about this.

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  • Well I'm a more of a hardcore gamer if there is a better gun out there I'm gonna use it wether I like the gun or not and frankly I've been tired of the fb bh and gally combo for a while now and want new stuff to go after if they made year 2 of these guns they may still be the best and I would still be using them 1 year is enough for me to be tired of old guns I want new ones

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  • My only fear is the new weapons will not be [i]at least[/i] as good as the old ones, as It happened a little in TDB and more so in HoW. Maybe that's why Bungie added ascension, because they knew that the majority of HoW's guns sucked a Cabal's sweaty nutsack. So it does give me some hope that not ascending old stuff means Bungie has put some actual effort in TTK weapons and is confident in them. But there is that hint of doubt that Bungie is just forcing us to use new shitty guns.

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  • I want new stuff to use and play with.

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  • Want something new to play with.

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  • I have every exotic in the game. I use maybe 3 or 4 regularly. I don't care because I'll find a new exotic that excites me. Just like in most RPGs I play, I always find a better weapon. You will too

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  • Honestly I could care less I just play for fun I get what I get and don't give a sh*t

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    2 Replies
    • It's is a bit of a shame, but I feel like bungie is definitely making the right decision with this, They made a mistake, not now but a year ago, they made these weapons which are op in their in certain substances, like gally in pve and thorn in pvp, now they aren't bringing these guns forward they get a fresh new start to balance the game. I don't understand why stuff like hard light and other weapons that weren't op, not being brought into year 2 but apart from the sleeper stimulant being shown of as the new gally, we don't really know about the new exotics coming with the taken king, I have faith that there will be new exotics to cater to everyone's play styles and even more legendaries to try out, especially after the patch, there is going to be a lot of different weapons to try. It is a shame about the weapons were are losing but I'm turning that into excitement for finding these new weapons and after ttk comes out I feel we will start seeing a more challenging and better pve content and a more balanced pvp, it's going to be awesome

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      • Gjallarhorn, Dragon's Breath and the Mythoclast all dropped for me this month after 1200+ hours in the game (here since beta). I still miss the Necrochasm and Dreg's Promise, and haven't even maxed out all of them. My favorite weapon is the Invective. Will I miss the weapons? Not so much, because what no one of the whiners is realizing is that there will be lots of new weapons! I know that there will be awesome new exotics and we will all fall in love with those over time, so there is no reason to be worked up about weapons. TTK will come with more weapons than we had with the vanilla game. Guys change is good. New stuff are good. Just wait until you experience it.

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        3 Replies
        • I'm a here and now kind of guy, the type to grind early just to have things first thus I always want the 'new'. I've had my fun with all the past stuff and I'm more than happy to move on. I do however wish you could carry ONE weapon of choice with you through every destiny in the future and with each new game you can carry another including your previous chosen ones. Imagine in destiny 5 you have your favourite weapon from 1, that would be so awesome.

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        • I don't understand why people think it's boring to use the same weapons. It makes no sense. That's like saying you are bored playing golf, only because you are using the same clubs, but you are playing on the same coarse. What you use, has nothing to do what you are using them for...the "for" is the only tangible discussion for boredom, considering guardians are only able to use close to a handful of different kind of guns. The boredom discussion should only be reserved for enemies, missions, side objectives, and progressing your character. If you see initiating a discussion about being bored using the same weapons, you are gonna be bored using any weapon, because it's the same thing. A hand cannon is a hand cannon. It's just gonna look different from a FB. And before I get contradictions about my last comment of weapons only looking different. I want to keep my load outs because it offers ME a more intimate progression with characters and story. I want to take my year one weapons and exotics with me throughout the whole 10 years. I want to feel legendary. What is legendary about having to ditch your favorite weapons before every DLC? This is going to sour passionate players.

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          5 Replies
          • Why would players not want new weapons to collect? I've got so many awesome weapons at the moment but it's time they were retired so I've got a good reason to put another 1000 hours into destiny. Simply upgrading the same weapons every time a DLC drops is crazy, where's the reason to grind for new ones?

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          • It is a virtual weapon

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          • Cause it's just a weapon?

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          • All I know is before I log off the night before TTK, I'm going to go to Mars(That's where I found a purple engram,which became Gjallarhorn) and fire seven rockets into the air. I've been through a lot with it and will always remember the tedious bullet sponge bosses it melted saving me time..

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            • Bump

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            • I just want players ten years from now to think of me as an old ass veteran, who should be revered. A legend like the game advertised. I can't be a legend if I'm always using the stuff newbies are

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            • Edited by CrazyMan1065: 8/22/2015 1:37:00 AM
              I'm good with leaving the Go-to ones behind (SUROS, Red Death, Gally..) But I disagree with their choice to leave behind LOW, Dreg's Promise, QBB, Vex mytho, and necrochasm should also move on. Since we had to do work to get them. All guns that require you to go through hard mode or through a bounty should move on, since we did work on them. And because of them leaving Gally behind, it makes us think of "What else could we use?" Since almost everyone's go-to fight a boss weapon is Gally. So I think they just wanted us to change up how we play, and leave some behind that we always fall back too. And maybe once taken king comes out, some raid parties won't want people to have gally, but maybe others, changine how we play and function as a community.So I'm 50/50 with some weapons only being year one. But seeing how Gally is being both NERFED and Left behind, seems a tad bit unfair. But hey, gally maybe updated in future installments, maybe It will be like the No Land Beyond, just a trophy. Also, for those who don't know, LOW = Lord of Wolves, QBB = Queen Breaker's Bow.

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            • Bumps

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            • Also, why nerf Gjally if it's going to be left behind anyway? None of this shit makes sense. Bungie just likes pissing off large chunks of the playerbase.

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            • i have used the ballerhorn for 48 weeks straight, gonna be nice to use something else thats good. I just hope that Helm of Saint-14 and The Armamentarium will be upgradable since they are basically the only exotic i ever use for my titan.

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              2 Replies
              • I've had gjallahorn for about 7 months and tbh I am getting a bit bored with it. I equip different guns when helping others through strikes and missions but feel I'm expected to equip it in raids poe etc. I would be more upset if they simply weren't available but if I can still use them in crucible etc then I'm ok with it. I think they made the original guns too powerful and therefore new guns in the dlcs have struggled to compete. They can't simply make each new gun better as you'd have power creep. They also did this with dark below ( for vault weapons at least) so I was expecting it.

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              • Time for change. I don't play destiny so that I can use Fatebringer, Blackhammer, and Gjallarhorn. There are some people on the forums who say that that's why they play destiny. Bring on some new guns, out with the old. Who cares?

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              • I had the Warglaives of Azzinoth when they were relevant. Imagine how I felt when those bad boys got left behind, and in the future people started to farm them so they could all show off what they acquired after the fact.

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              • It is ok to move on. I did not get attatched to them anyways. I am anxious to try the new ones out.

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              • In an ideal world I'm OK with leaving Ghorn and other Year 1 guns behind because we're getting new ones and we have more incentive to try out the new ones if they're more powerful. But so far the quality of weapons we've seen added to Destiny is on a consistently downward trend. Lots of great weapons in Vanilla, some great ones in TDB but also some pretty poor ones, and pretty much no great ones in HoW, especially with the new, crappier perks they introduced.

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                1 Reply
                • Well its time to let go. They were useful in year one, but we all know gally was a way to evade boss mechanics. Eliminating this forces us to actually play the game.

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