Is it my responsibility to keep track of other people's semen?
Do you think it is? Is it not at the very least your responsibility to make sure a stranger does not enter your house and allow your wifi router to enter him?
Why is a stranger performing sex acts with my router in the first place?
Could it have been a long time fantasy? Is your wifi router oddly stimulating and appealing?
Does this sex offender think all machines are like cortana, and that's the reason there's speed inside my router?
Don't you think that could be a possibility? Do you yourself find your router to be attractive?
Am I being insensitive if I say no?
Why would you be insensitive, is it, at this point, just a possibility that has neither been proved or disproved?
It's been proved a right? Am I correct?
Do you like this semen substance that you speak of?
Would you mind reminding me of when I mentioned semen?