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Edited by BVC591: 8/20/2015 2:29:51 AM
It would take them probably a week of solo play to get past the main story on the lowest difficulty(that includes all the non essential side missions.) after that they well have to grind their way though to reach lv 25 which well probably take another week and then they have to go though the long grind to get legendary gear(which requires rank 2 for armor and rank 3 for weapons for whatever faction you decide to focus on) that well take another week or 2 just to be able to get into relevant content. Furthermore this item is only supposed to be for 1 character per account so they well still have to do this to get their other 2 characters(provided they want to use the other 6 subclasses or have 3 of the same character or any mix) which is an huge amount of grinding. This way allows them to reach the taken king's end game content a little faster though they still have to grind another 4 15 levels compared to the measly 6 level we have to gain(assuming your a lv 34.) By the time the newbs get to the new end game content with one of their characters me and my friends well have already beaten the raid and probably blasted through 95% of the taken king with all 3 of our characters(allowing for hidden content, timed releases, and absurdly long questlines.) This simply lowers the barrier to entry so newcomers can have an easier time getting into the game and makes it easier for them to join the rest of the community(while I hate the idea of more squeakers running around destiny I wouldn't mind some more "mature" players joining the game.) It not like WoW which offers to sell your character max level as it still leaves a lot of ground for new players to cover. Last but not least this lower the barrier to entry for older players that haven't tried all 3 classes yet allowing them a chance try something that they might have otherwised skipped. [quote]Btw, I don't know what you mean by lacking in the proper skill. If you mean experience, that doesn't exactly help anyone.[/quote] [spoiler]Spoken like a true scrub....[/spoiler] Let's say I take a newb who has done some PoE but who also got carried to lv 34(yes this is possible there are kids that have had their friends do this for them its depressing) into skolas tell them nothing about what they're supposed to do sit back and watch. What do you think is going to happen? Its not going to end well for him. Now lets say I take a player that isn't a newb but has never done poe except for the 28 into skolas I don't tell them what to do but they have played the game enough to know how to move around well enough, they can shoot well enough and they know when to run from a horrible match-up(example having 2 major wizards and a major sword Knight heading their way at the same time, you really don't want to go up against that without cover and/or back up.) They are going to at least last longer then the newb who got carried and well probably be able to improve faster then the newb. Knowing how your character moves how to set up your subclass how each enemy type fights, what modifiers do, what weapons are good for what situations and which ones are under powered is extremely helpful. Knowledge is power and that's true irl and in games. Also having moderate experience in playing the game can make things significantly easier.

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